
Thursday, March 4, 2021

Pouring My Heart Out


I've had two days without the girls and I miss them. They are with mommy since she has two days off before her schedule shifts. When you have kids around all day every day then all the sudden one day you don't, it makes a difference. The quiet is really quiet. But I just cleaned a little and took one day to just pamper myself and run errands. 

I spent alot of time in prayer and just thinking for two day. Well, pouring my heart out to God and just letting it go while no one was around. It's OK to do that some times then you recollect yourself,  straighten your crown 👑 and remember who you are. You are God's child. 

This is what all I have been thinking. There have been circumstances that have come into my grown kids lives and Mom just can't fix everything although it is designed and instilled in us to try to do so. 

So here it goes. I hope this helps someone because it did me again also to just wrote it down.  

I have been thinking about stress lately. 

Stress can be a killer. That's not a slang statement.  I mean a literal killer. 

Stress can come in and consume us physically,mentally, and emotionally. It eats at your very being inside and out. 

It costs your body, mind, relationships,  and health. 

It causes you to do things that help drown it or get rid of it temporarily like drugs, alcohol,  tobacco,  medications, influences from the opposite sex. 

We ruin relationships because we bring these outside sources in thinking we are relieving the stress. When in turn we have opened a can of worms. 

Alot of times we bring unnecessary stress on our selves. We make ourselves TOO busy by packing our lives with too many activities, running around, a sense or urgency  etc. You can only pack so much into one day. We blindly let ourselves get into situation we have no business getting into. 

I know work is a number one factor for stress. Thanks to Adam and Eve. You have to find a way to deal with work situations and leave work at work. Don't bring it home with you. I know that's easier said than done. You may hate your job but you need the job so you put up with it. Just do the job,  get your paycheck and go about your business. If it is still too hard, maybe start looking for something else. Get a little better education to get that better, more enjoyable job. If you can be a voice, speak up for all the employees.  If not, tough it out until you can find something else. Just don't bring it home. Its ok to talk about your day with your spouse when you get home,  just don't let it ruin your night with your family. 

If you have so much on your plate everyday that you are in a whirl wind and don't know what day it is, you better find a way to slow the heck down and breathe.  You need to prioritize,  and possibly have to let something go or put something on hold til a later time. You can't do it all. 

Finances are going to cause stress. YES.  But you can deal with those too. Start learning to budget your income. Live within your means. Dont spend money you don't have to spend. Necessity and preparedness comes first. 

If your having marital problems ( stress from other areas have mostly contributed to this one) GET HELP PLEASE.  Do not let stress tear your family apart. God never intended that. 

Seek a Christian counselor, true friends who are not biased, family help, marital help books. I don't care, but some kind of help. 

Your immediate family in your household is your main priority and focus especially children. Your home, spouse and children should be your safe place to come home and escape the outside world. Our children should not suffer because we don't know how to handle stress properly. 

The outside world is what is causing it. Our home and family should be our sanctuary.  

Get back to God. Look, God intended for us to enjoy life but he also knew when sin came, we were going to deal with alot. That's why he became man. He lived it and used these things to teach us. That's why we have the Bible as our Life Manual.  Start putting God first again. Go to church,  pray, seek his will,  have devotions with your spouse. 

Talk, love, laugh, live, play, have fun, dance in the kitchen,  get in the floor and play, cut the TV off or find something fun to watch nothing negative, GET OFF YOUR PHONE,    if a 3 yr old tells you to get off your phone and they don't even know about cell phones,  then you know you need to get off it. Prioritize, put family first. Cook that meal together, fold that laundry together, play games. 

You have to learn to balance life, work, marriage and parenting. It's doable and can be stress free with no influences of drugs, alcohol,  tobacco,  medications etc. 

Let me make a disclaimer:

If you have a medical problem that is causing problems like depression, anxiety etc. Please get help. Therapy first for proper diagnosis.  Then counselor first.  It can probably be managed with counseling and management and possible natural or herbal supplements. If it's worse than that then professional help from Dr. But be leery of medications.  They have horrible side effects which d0 more damage than what you are actually dealing with. 

We are letting circumstances come before family and it is costing us our families. 

Start making changes instead of drowning your sorrows. Let that sink in.  

I have had to do alot of these things for my sanity. I am a mother and I worry and stress alot over my kids. Mostly because they love driving me insane. But as a parent and they get older it's hard to let go.  It's hard to see your kid struggle and you can't fix it for them. You have to lean on the good Lord to work.  You pray more than you ever did and you cry more than you have tears for. But I have had to come to terms that I can't fix the problem. All we can do is give advice and hope that somewhere down the road it is used. 

I hope this has truly helped someone and thanks for letting me pour my heart out.