
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Some Beautiful Days

 The past two days have been very pretty weather. I am getting so excited about the time change coming up. I love when the sun shines longer in the day. It makes me happy 😊☺.  

We have been able to enjoy some outside time. Yep, I was soaking it up. My joints were so thankful.  

After umpteen years our horse is finally home where she belongs. Our boys have  rode off into many a sunsets on Dixie. Now the girls will too. YEEHAW!!!!!!! 

We bought Dakota this horse when he was 2 yrs old.  That was 21 yrs ago. Then Dallas played on it. Now it is going through another generation. 

I bought the girls another preschool activity from Amazon. They love it. 

And then Atleigh was contented coloring while Caroline wanted to see what I was mending. 

I don't know how to link something from Amazon to here but here is a screen shot so you can look it up. 

I was multi tasking this morning while the girls were in the tub.  They love to just play and play in the water so I took advantage of it. I managed to get my makeup on and fix my hair and fold two loads of laundry and put then away. 

I was on a role today. Moms, use your time wisely.  It is possible.  

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