
Saturday, March 13, 2021

Good Days

 The past few days have been good. We have had decent weather and got outside more to play. I am so excited that today is the day we spring ahead. Well, at 2am anyway. I love longer hrs in the day. I hope we don't have any more freeing or inclement weather because I'm beginning to see new buds and green growth on trees and bushes in my area.  My rose 🌹 bushes are getting some new green growth to them. Me and my girls love our flowers πŸ’. 

We have been doing some more school. 

They love the last set of manipulatives I bought them. And then they love the learning electronics I have. I actually bought the little play tablet at a thrift store for $3. It was the best investment I ever made. 

That morning it was time to make another batch of chaffles to go in the freezer. For those of you who have asked how to make them, it is the easiest thing ever. The recipe is suppose to be one cup of cheese to one egg ratio but for some that may be too much cheese. So I just dump a bunch of eggs into a bowl and pour cheese in it until it looks about even.  If that makes sense. You can tell by the picture that it is still a little more egg because it is wet. If you go by the original recipe it will be thicker and not as wet. The way I do it is OK for us because I want them to get use to the eggs for more protein.  They still fluff up good. You can add anything else you would like. Then you put them into your waffles iron and cook. That's it. I make a whole batch at a time and put the rest in the freezer.  Take out as needed. 

I also made Dallas some scrambles eggs and some bacon so he could make him some breakfast burritos for every morning. I usually go ahead and make up the burritos and wrap them and store them in the fridge so he can grab and go but I had two toddlers demanding my attention so there is that. 

Of course the girls wanted to spend the night with us. 😁 so we had another sleep over. 

Last night, we made pizzas πŸ• and I let them make their own. They are getting really good at it. I am having to convert alot of recipes especially anything with flour because dear hubby is pre-diabetic and we are having to be very careful.  If you catch it in the pre stages it can be held under control with diet. I substituted the ap flour for half wheat half ap.  I will keep playing with flours until we get use to the conversion. I'm going to check into whole wheat pastas too. Carbs turn to sugar so maybe this will help. Whole wheat doesn't have as much carbs. I still want him to enjoy alot of things we enjoy. We will see. 

Then we got ready for bed and had popcorn and movie. Daddy came and picked them up this morning.  Of course they didn't want to leave either πŸ™„ bless them. 

I have to update you. We have prayed so hard for our oldest sons situation and things are starting to look brighter. I know the Lord is working but I don't want to get too fast and get my hopes up. I know that sounds contradictory to having faith, but if you knew how many times I have gotten my hopes up and thought prayer was being answered, to then only going backwards, you would understand my hesitantance. I am just going to sit back and wait on the Lord. Time will only tell if I can come out and tell everything.  

Another prayer is still being prayed for our youngest.  He is still struggling with his decision about his future.  All his life since about 3 hrs old all he has talked about was going into the military like his dad. It is his passion, however, he has also wanted to do something in criminal investigation πŸ”Ž.  Either FBI, NCIS, law enforcement etc. He is really struggling trying to make up his mind. He is stressing over it. He has talked to his recruiting officer and us and we have told him no one can make this decision for him.  This us one he has to decide for himself. We would never be disappointed in him if he didn't join the military.  His recruiting officer told him the same thing. 

On a funny note, well, it wasn't funny to me, he missed cap and gown pics at school last week. If anyone knows anything about me you will know I LOVE my pics of my kids. Especially important ones of first and last things of their lives. CAP AND GOWN PICS Y'ALL  πŸ˜’πŸ™„ I was so upset. He did go to the school and was dressed but one of his buddies came out and saw him and said he just heard them announce that Sr pics were going to be rescheduled, so they left. Well, come to find out,  it was the SR class pic of the graduating class not cap and gown. I have told him 100 times to never ever ever take some bodies word for something and to check it out for himself. If he would have just gone on into the room and looked he would have seen. I can't make this stuff up. 😫 However, he is one lucky guy that we have a family photographer that is going to retake his tux pics and try to take some cap and gown pics for me and submit them to the yearbook staff. When he had his tux pics made we didn't order any because he didn't like that his hair was smooshed because of his cowboy hat. 😀 She can get access to a mock tux cape and a cap and gown and she is going to do all of his sr pics for me at one time. He is so lucky.  I could just, well, I'll stop ✋ there.  

I have been going through some recipe books and trying to find some crock pot and instant pot meals. 

There are so many recipes you can make and turn into dump and go freezer meals. If you haven't heard of them, you should check them out. YouTube has so many ladies with videos on their channels that do this.  Kimmy, from She's In Her Apron, Kelly from Kelly's Corner,  Jamerill Stewart, and more that I follow. Basically what you do is take a crock pot recipe (preferably one that just says to place all ingredients into pot and cook for so many hrs,  this might not work for one that has alot of prep work like sautΓ©ing anything) and place all the ingredients into a ziploc bag or airtight freezer container and freeze. When it is time to cook it, you can remove it from freezer and let it thaw and dump in crock pot and let it cook, or you can dump it in frozen and let it cook longer.  These can also be converted and cooked in the instant pot. Thawed or frozen. You can prep and freeze several meals at one time. πŸ˜‹ This helps for a busy couple who work and wants to have a home cook meal but doesn't want to be in the kitchen cooking all night. Since I'm home I can just throw everything in the crockpot in the morning myself or in the afternoon in the instant pot. I love spaghetti in my cooker. I have a pressure cooker and it works just like an instant pot. You put it all in at one time by directions and wholah. One pan. 

Put some ingredients in my bread machine and wholah..... homemade bread 🍞 to go with it.  Check out this process to make meal times more easy. I'm also looking at sheet pan dinners. 

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