
Tuesday, March 2, 2021

I've Almost Reached My Limit


I'm trying the best I can to hold my tongue but I'm about to so a switch a roonie on some people. Some things just have to be said. I have literally sat with both of my boys (a 23 yr old and an 18 yr old) this week and just let them cry on my shoulder and punch things and let them yell to get things off their chests. My heart is breaking for them and this momma is about to go Momma Bear on people.  I really just pray all day and all night for my boys, but when they get this far and hurting,  it breaks me. I have been in prayer more the past two years than I can ever remember being. 🙏 But the good Lord always hears and I just have to keep trusting him. 

We had another sleep over ðŸ˜ī just because they  wanna be with Poppie and Gmaw. 

When I say these girls are glued to me or under my feet, that's exactly what I mean. 

We have been busy doing a little school again.  Also a little snack while we watch some Preschool DVDS 📀 

If you don't know what a sensory box is,  you should check into it. It helps work on fine motor skills and sensory. Not to mention, it keeps them entertained.

Well, dill and mint are pretty good and good for you. 

Some days I will rotate things out in our school stuff. Yesterday all they wanted to do was our activity binders. Today I changed out and got a bunch of flash cards and manipulatives out. I have started putting our days activities in a basket the night before and having it ready for the day. It works good. 

We don't do school all day everyday. Although I have one that would and loves it. She is going to be the kid that will be on the honor roll at school and will stress over bad grades. The other will be sent to the principals office every day and mom or dad have to go to the school. 😅😅😅😅😅 


Don't even ask. 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃ðŸĪŠðŸĪŠðŸĪŠðŸĪŠ

These girls keep me on my toes that's for sure. You gotta love their little individual personalities. It is fun to be teaching Littles again and having them in my home. I so remember teaching my boys and loved it. Then they get to the age where they think they know everything and want listen to anything. 🙄🙄

That's life. 


  1. It doesn't matter how old our kids are - when they are having a hard time, so are we! Keep praying, and remember that God loves them even more than you do! I've had to remind myself of that a time or two.
    I heard it said that a mom is only ever as happy as her least happy child. That sounds about right.
    You are so good with your granddaughters!

    1. Thank you. I really have to keep telling myself this all the time. I get in the flesh like Paul did alot and just have to keep going. Some things still need to be said some times and when that time comes I will remember to maybe use kinder word sand patience. 😁
