
Tuesday, February 23, 2021


 Well, this morning was back to normal schedule. Jossie came and picked up the girls yesterday evening when she got out of school. It was different seeing them go after having them here with me all week. It was kind of too quiet and lonely last night without them. 

They were back early this morning. We had breakfast. And got ready and they wanted to do school 🏫

I bought this little manipulative for them to practice with. This kept them busy for a bit. 

There is a few homeschool moms of preschoolers that I follow on YouTube. I learn alot from their videos. Yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks. I put together this little teaching game. 

I have some number flash cards and magnetic numbers. I have them count the objects on the card and look at the number word. Then they are to find the magnetic number and place it on the card. Then count out the number of items that I have for them. Today I used popsicle sticks.  I have colored popsicle sticks to use for separating and learning colors too. 

I have been working on more of their activity binders by laminating and putting the pages in sheet protectors. I got these ideas from the videos too. One young lady I love to watch is Brittany Lynn on YouTube.  

Another lady I love to watch is Jennifer Fudge from The Family Fudge. She puts out lunch ideas and it's called Bunches of Lunches. She goes all out though and is very creative. I love her lunch inspiration ideas. I love when kids eat healthy. It makes my heart happy.  I love this simple little lunch I made for them one day. It is a chaffle, cut up apple and a little treat my momma always made for my boys. It is mock ice cream sandwiches.  It's just Graham crackers and whipped cream spreaded on them and put in the freezer. 

You can find all kind of chaffle recipes online. The basic one is just cheese and egg ratio. They love them and they are packed with protein and are nutritious.  

Atleigh is getting to where she will try new things. One day I got her to try peanut butter and banana mixed together. I eat this alot. She loved it. Some days I will let them pick out their chips and snacks for their lunch. Gives them a chance to feel like they are making decisions. 

After nap everyday, I will get them a snack together for when they wake up. They love goldfish 🐠

After nap today, it was so gorgeous outside that we finally got to get out to play. 

While we were out, Jossie came to pick them up. 

I came in, cleaned up a little,  and made my supper. Ate and just relaxed the rest of the night.

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