
Saturday, February 20, 2021

We Are Ok

 We are all OK here in my neck of the woods.  I know there are alot of people still without power or water. People are beginning to go stir crazy. Personally,  I'd rather be cooped up with my family any day. It beats worrying about them being out and about. Oldest son works for our local power company and he has put in some hours during this whole storm and then some because he is on call this week. He is so exhausted. He has been froze all week. He finally gave in and called a family friend to help him with his frozen pipes. He will be there tomorrow to work on those. He was so tired of worrying with them and tired from working so many hours. He is one proud man 👨 just like his dad and tries his best to do things himself and doesn't want to ask for help.  That's good he's like that but I told him it's OK to ask for help every once in a while. 

Jossie got tired of driving back and forth on the ice to go to work so she just decided to stay at work a couple of days. They have rooms fixed up for nurses and emergency staff. I told her it's probably for the best because I was so worried about them getting these girls out in it every day and driving with them. So I told both of them to just let them stay here til all this ice and snow clears off the roads. 

We have been baking, cooking, school, playing and watching movies. 

This is the most snow we have had in years. My kids can't remember it being this much. Wednesday night it started getting heavier then it just kept coming down and Thursday it came down even harder. We built a fire and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows in the fireplace and had a picnic in the living room. 

I made popcorn 🍿 and we watched a movie. I made homemade popcorn in the microwave.  All you do is get a paper bag and put some kernels in it with a little drizzle of oil and salt 🧂 and fold your bag up and put in the microwave on your popcorn setting and wholah! 

The next day we got out and played in it. Of course, we couldn't stay out too long with little ones because the temps were in the single digits. I fell 4 times and was sore for 2 days. 

They had snow cream for the first time. 

The girls help with clean up after eating so we can watch a movie. They love to help empty the dishwasher.  Messy buns and all. 😁

They love to play dress 👗 up in princess dresses everyday.  Anna and Elsa coming at ya. 

Daddy got to come by and play for a bit but every time he gets settled, he gets a call to go out. 

The temps are beginning to rise a little and melt a little but at night it gets below freezing and freezes again. Tomorrow, the temps will rise again and Monday it will be higher so some of this will leave us.  Our main roads are clear but some back roads they have  not gotten to yet and are shaded by trees so it will take them longer. 

I am so glad we were prepared and I got what groceries we needed before this and we have been blessed with power and water. Some people were not so fortunate.

We have gotten a bit off bedtime routine and getting in bed a little later than I like for them to, but hey, this is sleepover at Gmaws for a little longer anyway. 😁 

Well, they are asleep now so I better follow suit. Goodnight all and please stay safe and use caution when getting out.