
Thursday, February 25, 2021

All In My Feelings

 I didn't have the girls yesterday and used that opportunity to run errands and get groceries. First,  I went and layed on the tanning bed. That is my therapy for my joints. It is winter time and I have more trouble in the winter. I grabbed me something to eat for lunch. 

Trucks are running again and stocking the shelves. However,  Walmart had no milk at all. NADDA!  I had to go to another store just to get milk. And I grabbed 3 gallon. I have two toddlers and that is their favorite thing to drink. 

I was all on my feelings yesterday because all the family circumstances we are facing. Dallas is facing a huge decision. We have come up on a situation and I am not at liberty to say at this moment in his life. I just needed time to myself yesterday. I needed prayer time and grace. 

This morning the girls came early. I was so glad to see them. However, they had a bad day yesterday. They didn't get a nap at all and didn't go to bed until 9 pm. Mind you, they are just toddlers,  that does not mix too well with them. The looks on their faces says it all. They just needed some snuggles. 

After a bit, they got hungry and whined to me what they wanted. 😔 . We ate breakfast and got baths and shower. That helped them a little to relax. I was able to fix my hair and put on a little makeup a little. Some days I look like a busted can of biscuits, some days I have to just get with the program and I feel like looking nice. We all have days like this and it helps to have self care and just  primp a little.  It boosts your self esteem. You have to just make yourself do things some days and when you do, you feel accomplished.  

We got all freshened up and started a little school, well, mostly I just went by their lead. It's OK to let them lead sometimes instead of being so structured. They just wanted to be alone and quiet in their thoughts. 

We read some books and sometimes they were just a little clingy. 

When a toddler says, "I want you" that translates to, "I NEED YOU!!!" ❤

It was time for a snack and somebody loved chocolate pudding with sprinkles. 

She started trying to fall asleep at the table so I knew it was nap time. Follow their lead. 

Sometimes you just need a few friends to take a nap with. 

After nap, I had my afternoon coffee and they had some milk with a snack. We went out and played for a bit but the weather started dropping so we came in. I got supper ready for them.  

After supper we just played and played til Daddy came to pick them up. He is finally off call and is off tomorrow.  They are gonna hang out all day. 

After everyone left, I cleaned kitchen and just sat down and chilled out the rest of the night. 

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