
Monday, January 18, 2021


 Update on dear mother in law, she is getting on the mend slowly. Her kidneys are functioning again slowly and her potassium is still down. She is eating a little more at a time. Her sores are looking a little better. They are talking of discharging her in a few days. They finally got home health approved for her and we found a hospital bed for her. She is still weak and will be bed ridden for just a bit. This is not her cup of tea because she has always been mobile and can't keep her down. But she will improve. She is strong. 

Sunday turned out to be a lazy day. Dear hubby stayed at the hospital all night and only got two hrs sleep in 24 hrs. I was going to get up and go to church that morning but I was prepared to get ready and go to the hospital and relieve dear hubby so he could come home and take a shower and rest. But his brother in law came in and stayed a while and then niece. Then his sister came in and stayed the night. So I got lazy. I had my coffee in my princess 👸bed and read my devotions and prayed. The rest of the morning I did meal planning and got caught up on some YouTube videos.  Then I took a nap and planned to cook supper but dear hubby ate a very early supper and I wasn't very hungry at the moment so we just fended for ourself.  Last night we just watched TV and I did some computer work with all my pics on my computer. 

I got up this morning at 5:30 am and was expecting my girls. Their mom did not inform me the night before that she was off and they wouldn't be coming.  😴 oh well, I just went ahead and got busy with my day and made use of my time. 

Dear hubby went looking for a hospital bed and grabbed a presc of mine at Walmart. I ate breakfast and rolled up my sleeves and got busy. I asked hubby to pull out the stove away from the wall before he left. I swept and mopped behind and cleaned off sides of stove where food has dripped down the side. Cleaned the glass top and it looks so good. Stove is maintenanced and cleaned. 

I then got out my big cutting board that goes on top of our stove and oiled it down along with our medium sized one. You have to oil them occasionally so the wood doesn't rot after washing and drying. It needs to be coated real good and protected. I love the big one that covers the stove. My microwave is right above the stove and I am always afraid of dropping something on  my glass top.  Not to mention, we love this size because we are always cutting up large portions of meat when we smoke. 

I could tell I should have called it a morning after I got done with that because my leg was starting to swell and my feet were hurting, but oh no, I never listen. 🙃 I then proceeded to sweep, mop and steam mop. I am deep cleaning and this is how I do it. I'll share a few cleaning hacks right quick. 

I take all the chairs and stools out of the kitchen and put in living room. 

I sweep and then mop. I love the mop I have because the head is removable. I can throw it in the wash when I'm done. I don't do the mop and bucket thing. To me it doesn't make sense nor is it very clean to dunk your mop back into dirty water and mop. That is exactly what you are doing. You are spreading dirty water back onto your floor. 

I will wet my mop under the faucet with hot water and mop a little section. Then repeat. Just a good hot water mop. 

I usually stop right there, but since I'm deep cleaning right now, I get out my steam mop. I love this baby. It has a removable pad to throw into the wash. 

I have gotten into using essential oils and I will sprinkle a few different scents onto my mop pad. It smells so awesome when the steam hits. It is also sanitizing my floors. 

Sorry, but yes,  I'm in my pajamas.  If I have cleaning to do, I have to get it done first thing in the morning because I sweat and then I can take a shower. 😁😁 

Then I put everything back into its place. If I don't put these stools back out, I would have some very upset girls. One time, Poppie folded up the white stool and then put the big stool in another room and these girls had a come apart. 🙄🥴 so no matter how much room they take up or how big they are, DON'T TOUCH OUR STOOLS.  

Here is a Gmaw hack for y'all.  I keep bibs at the table for when they eat. I put command hooks on the back of their chairs and hang their bibs on them. They know to grab their bibs and put them on and get into their seats. You're welcome.  

I have a different mop/vac for quick maintenance between deep clean moping. This is for after supper pick up from under the table and around stove and counters after cooking. It is a Swiffer Wet Vac. I love it too. It vacuums and mops at the same time. Dear hubby buys me the dry cloths and I make my own homemade cleaner to put the pads in. Grab one, put it on and go. 

I bought the girls these little broom and dust pan sets at the Dollar Tree. They can help Gmaw anytime. Alot of times they will sweep their little crumbs up under their high chairs. Then when they start chasing each other with them, I have to take them away. 🙄😁

I was hurting so bad after all that I had to call it quits for the morning.  I could not hardly walk. I took a shower and went to lie down. My feet and legs were swollen. 
I got up and had my second cup of coffee and had to soak my feet in hot water. 🔥

My feet got better long enough for me to cook supper. I made bbq chicken in the air fryer,  homemade potatoe salad with the potatoes I canned, and home made pork and beans that I canned back during the summer. Yummy. 

And occasional taste testing along the way. 

Here is another tip. CLEAN AS YOU GO.  Please do this. It makes cleaning up after supper easier and faster. Usually at night I will run a load of dishes in the dishwasher. Then the next morning( provided I don't forget) I unload the dishwasher so all day long if we mess up a dish we can rinse it off right then and put it in the dishwasher.  That's the best thing to do,  but like I said if you forget, then unload it before or while you are cooking.  Then load and clean as you go. Some of my pots and pans have to be hand ✋washed, so I can do that while something else is cooking. If they get served in the pot or pan, then all I have to clean up is maybe a pot or two. 

Be good stewards of your time ⏲️and make things easier on yourself.  I will share more tips and tricks as I clean this week. I already have alot of ideas on our Homemaking Page. Check them out. 

Today we were in the 50's so I opened a few windows and put my plants 🪴 in the sunshine 🌞.  

I felt rejuvenated too. 

One day I plan on me and the girls playing with my new attachment I got for Christmas with my Kitchen Aid Mixer. 

Well, y'all, I am pooped and it'd almost my bedtime 🌙.  See y'all tomorrow 🤪😴


  1. You were very productive! I like the cutting board on the stove - looks nice and is very helpful.
    Now you need a rest day!
