
Saturday, January 16, 2021

Saturday Tidbits

 Today has been half lazy, half work. I didn't have the girls today. Daddy is home from his duck hunting trip so they wanted to see him. 

I got up and had my coffee ☕ and read my devotions and got my mind right. 🙃 I ate brunch and just took my time getting going. 

I finally decided to tackle our oven. I did not get alot of before pics because I didn't want people to see how bad it was. Trust me, it was bad. I'm not really complaining about it, I'm just glad I was able to cook good meals and all my holiday baking and cooking for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  And baking all those sweet potatoes 🥔.  I will keep a better cleaning schedule for my oven cause it looks awesome now. 

I took that baby apart. 

I scrubbed and scrubbed til I wore myself out and was exhausted.  I had to take a break. I went and took a nap and tackled the rest when I got up. I am so sore I can't hardly move but afterwards, I ate supper and took a Epsom salt bath with some essential oils.  I just had to pamper myself. 

Dear hubby text and said his mother's kidneys were functioning a little again and they got here potassium back down. She drank a little and held it down.  His sister had to go home because she was running fever. So he is staying the night with her.  

I am being lazy again tonight after I had a soak and supper. Now I'm just catching up on some YouTube videos of my favorite people. 


  1. Wow - it looks wonderful! Mine needs major work too. I better follow your example.
    Glad your MIL is doing better.
