
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Tuesday Tidbits

I woke up at 3:45 am and had to pee. I had trouble going back to sleep. I had to force myself. I only had an hr and a half left til time for alarm ⏰.  πŸ€ͺ I use to could just pop right up out of bed. Now, it takes me a while. I finally dozed back off and then, bam, alarm goes off. I got up, made ☕and let it touch my soul. ❤ I read my devotions for the morning and prayed. Some prayers are being slowly answered and imma just gonna wait. I would love to tell you some now, but I don't want to jinx anything. 

The girls got here and we watched a few minutes of cartoons. Then they got hungry. I pulled out some waffles πŸ§‡ I made and froze, and heated them up and they picked out their sprinkles. They ate every bite and licked the sprinkles off the plate. 😁 

I fixed me and dear hubby some breakfast and I ate. Hubby had a rough night and just couldn't hardly wake up yet. They played a few minutes while I ate mine. 

I got finished and did my stretches. Atleigh was right along with me. I have missed her the past two days. She's my partner and motivation. 

Now it's on to showers and baths πŸ›.  

I got my shower first while they played with Poppie a few minutes. Then I  spruced myself up for my man. Just because I stay home doesn't mean I still don't try to make myself up for him. We keep that spark going as much as we can. 

I will tell y'all a trick I have for cleaning my shower. The night before I plan to clean, I will spray my shower down with my homemade cleaner and let it soak over night. When I get done showering, I will take a cleaning rag and wipe down walks and glass doors. Then rinse if off. Now mind you none of this gets on me. I'm already in the shower 🚿so why not? I kill two birds 🐦with one stone.  

I ran their bath πŸ’§. While  they were in the bath, I took advantage of that time and cleaned some things. Wiped off our counter, sinks and mirror.

Then they got out one by one and I help and teach them how to get dressed and take care of themselves. 

We go in the living room and I have to put some clothes on to wash. Then we get in the kitchen and make a treat. Oh yes, we made Reecees peanut butter cup blossoms. 

They tossed back and forth between helping me with the treats and playing with Poppie. 

I make them some cheese qusedillas and I have a tuna wrap.

Dear hubby had to go to his mommas house and wait on them to deliver her hospital bed. They got it all set up and ready to go for when they discharge her. 

It was nap time for us then. 

The girls are getting use to getting their own beds down and get it ready to sleep on. 

We got up from nap and had coffee and snack and Atleigh wanted to do school 🏫

Then I folded laundry. 

Poppie came back around then and their attention was on him again. He kept them busy so I could fix supper. I made sweet and sour meatballs. Pioneer Woman recipe and her sesame noodles. Along with some fried rice. 

I made the mistake this morning of not emptying out the dishwasher so my dishes kind of piled up on me today. Hey, some days are better than others. Today was 0ne of those days. After we ate Atleigh just wanted me to sit and hold her. Sometimes you just have to do what's best at the time. Especially when they say, "Gmaw, I want you."  

Dakota came and picked them up. He went to the hospital to see nanny. They were ready to go home. 

After they were gone, I got my kitchen cleaned. Sometimes things will go perfect in your day and by your schedule and sometimes they want. Just give yourself grace and rearrange. Marine Corp motto is, Improvise,  Adapt, and Overcome. 

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