
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Thoughts For Today

 I know I've said this before, but I've got to use my blog more. Social Media is becoming a mess and it just gets me in all kinds of moods. 

I will start with this:

I made this years ago. I've put it within eyesight to remind me again. You know, toddlers and all. ðŸĪĶ‍♀️ðŸĪŠ❤❤ I have my granddaughters basically more than mommy and daddy does. They both have jobs and work alot. I am so glad I am able to help though. I'd rather them be with me than with someone that we don't trust to even know if they are being taken care of properly, cause, trust me,  anyone lays a hand on my babies and I will make prison orange look like sophisticated fuscia. 😈

I have to remember, I'm not as young as I use to be and I have to remember what it was like with our own boys. When you have kids it's not about you anymore. You have someone else's needs to think about. It is no problem for me to put someone else before me, I've done it for 30 yrs. We are living in a culture today that thinks the opposite.  It's all about me me me. Kids are getting caught up in this Whirlwind that grown ups put them in. Kids don't ask for chaos. I am a firm believer in routines and schedules. Kids thrive on it and act better and perform better. They feel more secure, and emotionally stable. 

It is hard some days when these girls get in bed late and have to get up at 5 or 6 am the next morning.  Talk about cranky. Let that go on for two or three days in a row and we are in for whining, crying,  irritability,  and melt downs every few minutes. Yes, I know. Sometimes I have to separate them and give them their space. Then times I have to distract them with something else. This is Parenting Round 2 for us. I am not exaggerating when I say our grandkids are EXACTLY the same personalities.  Our firstborn kid and firstborn granddaughter is exactly the same. I also have to remember to just let them be kids so they can just get alot of pinned up frustrations out.

9 times last night I heard:

"Caroline,  quit touching me!"

"Caroline, get off me!"

"Gmaw,  Caroline is touching me!"

Caroline growls. 

Mind you,  this is an everyday thing. 

So.... I have two toddler beds and two sleeping bags on their way. 😅😅😅😅😅😅 ain't got time for this. #kickingthemoutoftheprincessbed

This is what some of our mornings look like:

Poppie and I have got it going on though. Just like we did when our boys were younger.  We are tag teaming. We work together. If there is something I need to do, he entertains the girls and vice versa. We share the responsibility. After all, that's what parenting is. I know that husbands and wives have certain rolls in the home especially if the mom is a stay at home mom, however, we all could use an extra hand now and then just as acts of kindness. That is a whole other post for me. This year I am going to be working on a new page to add to my blog. It will be on parenting. Not that we are experts, but just sharing ideas and thoughts that might help some young parents out there. ❤❤

I've decided that I want to blog more instead of so much social media. I think everyday I will leave my app open to jot down thoughts and ideas as the day passes. So my posts may be scatter brained and look like a squirrel moments, but at least I'll be on here more. 😂😂 

Here is another rambling thought:

I don't know what the heck has happened to country music but if these so called new artists would come up with their own songs and quit taking other artists songs and remaking them, that would be great. I mean, I could do that and become famous. And stick to country.  ðŸĪ ðŸĪĶ‍♀️

And another: 

Sometimes I have trouble looking on the bright side of things because somethings just ought not happen to begin with. Let that sink in.

As the new year is upon us I want to say this:

We can follow our heart all we want to but it may not be what God has planned for us. He shuts doors for a reason. We just have to wait and see what comes about. Best thing to do us PRAY and let God show you. Some times the things we want will not be good for us. Let God show you what he wants you to have or lead you in the right direction. 

Also, I'm not worried about eating turnip greens and hog jowls. Imma just gonna let God take control. 2021

Dear hubby has been spending alot of time hunting and processing meat. He is loving the items I got him for Christmas.  He had made and put up deer breakfast sausage, ground chuck for our beef into one lb meal packages. Now, he is experimenting with Italian sausage. He likes making his own spices and buying his own fat to grind in with it for fat control but not too dry. His grinder gets a good work out.  He is also going to experiment with making Jerky and dehydrating it. I can't wait. Our hunting season will be over in a few days so he wants to go one more time. I however have only got to go one time this whole season. But that's OK. 

We are sticking our meat freezer again. We were getting low on chicken. So we caught it on sale and repackaged it into meal portions and vacuum sealed it. I have alot of these frugal ideas on several of our pages under our header of the blog. Check them out. He likes to make sure we are all good to go for when he goes back to work.

Now that the new year is here and freshness is upon us, I've got to get my house back in order. I didn't do alot of cleaning over the holidays because we were so busy cooking cleaning  and just having fun. But now I want a deep clean. 

I've got the rest of our sweet potatoes to finish putting up. They have been ok in our garden shed curing.  

Then my momma brought me a box of clothes that she needs altered since she has lost alot of weight. So there is that. ❤

Im going to use 2021 and post wisdom thoughts all the time. Well, I do that anyway now, but......

We have become a culture that would rather listen to advice from people that only say what we want to hear or agree with us because it doesn't bother us as bad. Well, the truth is not suppose to taste good as we swallow it. So buckle up buttercups  we're in for a bumpy year. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

I'll leave you with a funny:

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