
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

January 5th Happenings

 Well, it's 6:30 am and our grandblessings have arrived for the morning.  I've been up since 5:30 am letting the coffee touch my soul per say. ❤😛 

When they get here so early, we keep the lights low and just sit and watch some cartoons until we wake up, seeings though we still have a teenager in the home that is sleeping in. He will go up to the school later for one of his classes in Welding. 

Already she feels like I need to be a Princess 👸

We ate breakfast. Did some stretches which I'm going to start doing more of to help my joints with RA.  Atleigh loves to do them with me while Caroline likes to roughhouse.  

This little one runs to Poppie and says, "Whoop Gmaw!" Then Atleigh runs to my defense.  You don't mess with her Gmaw. Poppie spats me a couple of times on the rear just playing and Atleigh has a melt down and starts crying. Poppie puts Caroline down to pick up Atleigh to console her and tell her he was just playing, while Caroline points her finger and says, "That's what you get!" She hears that quite often you know. 🙄🤦‍♀️ This is ours days occasionally.  ❤

Then it was off to take baths and showers to start our day. 

Atleigh wants to do some school. So I saw something on a homeschool moms YouTube channel and I made a game with clothes pins and popsicle sticks. Matching colors and finding the missing number. 

 We eat lunch and take a nap. I have to take a nap everyday even if I don't have them for a day. My RA want let me make it a whole day. 

3:45 pm, we are awake and I need some more coffee. 😅😅 now it's time for round two. We had a little snack and some juice and Dakota came and picked them up. This is his week. For the life of me, I'm having trouble grasping that concept. If you don't know what I'm talking about,  you can catch it a few posts back. I never thought this would happen to my son or our family but we are coping.  The one good thing of it is, when he has them for a week, he comes and gets them at a more decent hour because he gets off earlier. They get home and get to play and Dakota cooks supper and gets them into a better bedtime routine. They still have to get up early, but that's just life with kids when you work. 

Me and Poppie can unwind now and cook supper and have the night to ourselves. 

Supper: air fried squash,  homemade scalloped potatoes,  and dear hubby roasted a chicken . 🐔

Dallas is probably eating with his girlfriend and her parents or he picked himself up something to eat in town. He has had a busy day. He went to school this morning, then PT afterwards and then to Brylees house. He will be tired when he comes in. 

I will clean the kitchen in a few and settle down for the night.  There are some ladies I follow on YouTube and I love to keep with their new videos as soon as they come out. 

I will tell you their names and their channels. 

First is Jordan Page from

Her content is frugal living, budgeting,  finances, parenting with 9 to 11 kids. I can't remember right off the top of my head, twins were born last. And marriage. 

Jamerill Stewart at Large Family Table. They also have 9 kids and expecting the 10th. She homeschools all of them. She cooks large meals because she has to. She just has the sweetest personality. 

Emily Norris. Mom content. Cleaning, cooking,  parenting,  marriage  etc. 

Kimmy, from She's In Her Apron. Same content above. 

Jennifer Fudge from the Family Fudge. Homeschooling, organization, the coolest lunch making videos called Bunches of Lunches.  I actually get alot of ideas from her. 

Tiffany Beaston which I think I mentioned her in my last post. Her and her husband both have YouTube channels. They have 4 kids 5 and under. I love watching them to help me stay on track with toddlers. 

I have more, but these are the top of my list. 

I hope y'all check them out.  Well, I'm going to sign off for the day and relax. 

Tomorrow I would encourage everyone to pray and pray 🙏 hard for our leaders and country. 

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