
Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year

 We were very busy over the holidays as was everyone probably. I hope everyone got to gather with families. If not, maybe this new year will get us back to some kind of normal. Our surrounding areas have gone back to mask mandates and looks like I want be getting out too much again. 😫 I can't hardly wear them without starting to feel shortness of breath even worse than what I already do. And not to mention, I get a splitting headache from lack of oxygen. If I have to wear one, I take it on and off to catch my breath. 

We had a wonderful Christmas 🎄

It started with the night before Christmas Eve. We let the girls spend the night with us so we could lay out cookies for Santa and read the Christmas story and Bible story. We wanted to let them wake up just like it was Christmas morning but with us. 🤗 So that night we set out cookies for 🎅 and the girls wrote him a note. Then Poppie read the story to them and they wanted dark and flashlights. Then I took them to bed and read them the Bible story. The next morning we got up quietly and then Dakota got here early. They woke up 30 minutes later and we had Santa. They had a ball. I cooked us breakfast while they played.  Dakota and the girls left and we took a long nap and got up and got ready to go to Nannys house.  Dakota and the girls had to leave early because Lolly wanted to bake Christmas cookies with them. 😁 

Christmas morning was our time with Dallas. I don't get alot of pics of ours because I'm opening my gifts too. But I always video them. 

The girls came by again that morning on their ways to mommies house for Christmas and gave me my gifts they made me. I didn't cry this time but may have gotten a little misty eyed.  

We took another much needed nap and then it was to Granny and Poppas (my momma and daddy) house. Everyone didn't get to come. Not due to Covid but because it's been like this the past 3 yrs and that is a whole other story. 

Since the girls were with mommy and didn't get to go with us, I made sure I took them to see Granny and Poppa. 
2020 has stopped us from doing alot of things, but not today Satan. I took the girls to see Granny and Poppa for Christmas and they got to give them their present they made for them. Then we grabbed our Granny and went to the mall where we hooked up with somemore friends and had a great time. We took them to Build A Bear and they loved making their own animals. And we rode the 🎠.  
2020 want get the best of me. 

We had a tragedy in our small hometown over Christmas holidays. A former graduate of our kids school was tragically murdered. He graduated two years after our oldest son and they knew each other. He joined the service right after he graduated and served two years. He was stationed in NY and was  pronounced missing. Two days later he was found in NJ. They brought his body back home and our community pulled together and lined the highway that night and saw him home. It was quiet and sombering. I have videos posted on my fb page. I cried watching them. So senseless.  When they had his funeral, there was 5 to 6 officers from the NJ Fire Department and Police Station that came. That day while we were headed to my momma and daddys, we got behind the procession. I will say one thing,  getting beside that hearse and seeing that young boys casket draped with the flag got me bad. I cried again. Bless this poor families heart and his classmates. 

I've seen every one posting about eating certain foods for New Years.  Well, I'm not worried about eating turnip greens and hog jowls. Imma just gonna let God take control. 2021
I hope everyone has a very Happy New Year and blessings. May 2021 bring greater things. Blessings to all. 

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