
Friday, January 15, 2021

Friday Tidbits

 I was up bright and early this morning so I could wait on our girls. They got here on time this morning to my surprise 😮. 

We had our coffee and milk and took time waking up. We ate breakfast and then we did our stretches. Atleigh loves to do kids yoga. I'm glad she does because she keeps me motivated. 

After that they helped me fold a load of clean towels and rags. They love helping fold laundry. They got a button for that. We put them away and I let them play for just a bit. 

It was time to get ready for the day so they took a bath and I showered. You know you love your grandchildren when you let them have all the hot water to take a bath and you get a cold 🥶shower. ❤❤❤ 

Then they helped me in the kitchen for a bit. I deep cleaned somemore in there. I got the rest of my cabinets and table and chairs. Next will be appliances and floors. I am so happy. While I was finishing in the kitchen, I fixed them a picnic lunch and spread a sheet on the floor and let then eat lunch and watch some preschool videos. 

The next room is get is our bedroom. I have purged some clothing and organized drawers. I just need to deep clean now in there. Just a little bite at a time is all I can do. 

We laid down for nap and they are still asleep. 

While I have it on my mind,  we would covet your prayers right now. My sweet mother in law has had some medical issues for some time now and she is getting worse. She has been admitted to the hospital and my dear hubby and his sister have been staying with her. Before they called an ambulance to get her, dear hubby was helping his sister get her cleaned one day and he lifted her up to help her stand and she passed out right in his arms. He was scared. I know it is hard for him seeing his mother get worse. She is 88 years old and nothing has ever been able to knock her down. Always had a huge garden and worked in it up until last year.  She hates not being able to do anything. She is the pillar of the family and a true servant of the Lord. 

I woke up from nap first and I'm having my  second cup of coffee ☕. 

I'm sometimes tired of coming up with meals on the whim because I am not really creative.  So I am going through my Pioneer Woman cookbooks and coming up with so many ideas. The girls woke up and came and joined me. 

I think we're gonna have an early supper then later dessert. Then we will play a while til the girls go home. 

I gave them their buttons for the day and let them put them into their lock boxes. 

The girls left and now it's just me. Waiting on dear hubby to get home from hospital.  He said his mom is not doing too good. I know he's worried. 

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