
Saturday, January 9, 2021

January 9th

 Sorry I missed yesterday's post. It was just one of those kind of days. I just wanted to have a play day with the girls and not do a thing. And we did. We just played some games and had a good time. The girls beds and sleeping bags came in yesterday. Atleigh was so excited. Caroline was not so sure. They practiced and took a nap in them. I don't think Atleigh ever fell asleep. Caroline may have slept 45 minutes. It was something different and new for them so I knew they might have a little trouble adjusting. 

With them not getting a good nap, I knew they were going to get sleepy early. I just tried to keep them busy until it was time to go home. I made a sensory box a time ago and this kept them entertained for a while.  Check it out on Pinterest. 

I fed them supper and then we got started with a movie and popcorn. 

However,  it was late when Dakota was suppose to come get them. So, I asked the girls what they wanted to do, did they want to go home, or did they want to stay here. Well, they wanted to stay here. I got them ready for bed and Unkie Dallas came in and read them a bedtime story while I got ready for bed. Then a little wrestling. 

We got in bed and Atleigh was snug as a bug in her sleeping bag. She was content. Caroline on the other hand was not. She kept wanting to see sissy in her bed. She did not want to go to bed all by herself in hers. She wanted on the bed with me. That was fine. It only took two minutes for her to fall asleep. They were exhausted. After they were fast asleep, I got her up and took her to her bed. They slept there all night. 

Caroline woke up this morning and whimpered because she didn't know why she was in her bed. Lol. I got to the foot of the bed and reached down and grabbed her and put her in the bed with me. 
We got up and had milk and coffee. Then I cooked breakfast. . Dakota came to get them and they still didn't want to go home . 😊 I'm so glad they feel so secure and happy here that they never want to leave. Makes my heart ❤ happy. 

Today has just been a lazy day. I got a shower. And took a nap in the recliner and then just read, wrote in my planner, read my devotions and just enjoying being lazy and having some time to myself. I know without a shadow of a doubt that sometimes mommy's need some time for self care so they can be the wife and mother they need to be. That will be a whole new post for another page I'm working on for our blog. 

This year, I have got to start working on myself. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  I am going to break down this verse and study it thoroughly.  I hope everyone else will too. 

I have spent 23 years pouring myself into my kids. I have got to come to the realization that I can't fix everything for everybody. All I can do is give wise counsel and pray. My kids are old enough(well, one) to make their own decisions. The youngest still lives at home. However,  it want be long until he will be joining the real adult world too. 🌎 
I still pour myself into my granddaughters  because that is my passion. Raising kids is all I know how to do. I know I have never failed my kids, but I've come short a few times of my own goals and expectations.  I have to give myself some grace. 

Someone has to stand in the gap and teach and reach these kids for Christ or the Devil will. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful time! I had our granddaughter overnight last night and we had fun too. I too pour myself into my granddaughters and kids as well, even though the youngest is now 32!
    Good verse to meditate on!
