
Monday, January 11, 2021

New Week, New Thoughts

 Yesterday was a day of Spiritual revamping for me. I needed it. I mean an old fashioned altar call, pouring your heart out to God revamping.  I got to church and was getting settled in my pew when I just had an urge from the Holy Spirit to just grab a prayer warrior friend and ask her to pray for me and my family. She obliged. She didn't ask anything,  I didn't tell anything, she just went with me to the altar to pray. I know God gave me encouraging words through her because God was speaking right through her. She prayed exactly what I needed to hear. She prayed for exactly what was wrenching my heart into and she didn't even know the circumstances.  That is how God works and that is what prayer warrior friends do. I also wanted our pastor and youth pastor to pray with me after church. Where two or three are gathered....there I am in the midst of them

I have always read my Bible but more and more everyday I'm seeing it needs to be read even more. I try to squeeze time in every morning for my devotions and prayer. 

I got home refreshed and gathered of my senses again. Sometimes we just have to cry and let it go. 

Me and dear hubby ate lunch and just had some quality time together. We took a nap. Around 5:30 pm I started supper and Dakota brought the girls over because he was leaving out for three days for a planned duck hunting trip. He is and has been an avid duck hunter since he was little. My husband and boys all. I even got to go once. It was awesome. So he dropped them off with kisses and hugs. We ate supper and we let them play and watch a movie and have popcorn. Then mommy came and picked them up. It is mommy's week this week which means it's going to be a hard schedule which in turn is hard on them. Her schedule is fixing to get harder because she resumes classes next week and she has to add some clinical hours into her week. This semester she has to have more clinical hours. 

This morning they got here this morning and they were both asleep and I fixed them on the couch under some blankets and they slept til 8:30. They have never done that before. It threw our whole day off and all Atleigh could say was, "I'm having a bad day." Bless her. She was. She was whiney all day and Caroline was just not her self either. All this going back and forth and such is also affecting their eating. 

We got some seed catalogs in the mail and me and the girls looked through them getting garden ideas. 

We just played until it was naptime and then Atleigh went to sleep on her bed beside me but Caroline was having trouble going to sleep on hers. She's always had sissy to sleep with or me and it is new for her to sleep by herself. So, I just reached down and told her to come up on the bed with me and within 2 minutes she was asleep. We woke up late from nap and we got milk and coffee. I hurriedly cooked supper and just threw supper together. I don't have a name for it but it was good. 

While I cooked supper, Poppie was letting Atleigh help him make us a fire. Even Princesses need to learn survival skills.

Today was our first snow of the season. I'm going to learn to embrace it.  The girls were excited. Maybe we need to just be like kids again and get excited over the little things again. 

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for responding to that call and asking for prayer. I too need to be in the Bible more.
    Looks like the girls are having fun!
