
Thursday, January 7, 2021

January 7th

 Girls got here around 6:30am. They were tired. Caroline a little cranky. So far I've already had to handle three tantrums and it's only 8am. Guess I'm gonna have to up my game. 

We ate some breakfast and I think that calmed her down a bit. She is not herself when she's hungry. 😁ðŸĪŠ

We are eating breakfast and Atleigh notices our lettuce growing in our Aerogarden. She's says she wants a sald for lunch. I love my Aerogarden. 

This is our experimental cherry tomato 🍅 that we planted in our Aerogarden back in the late fall. It already has a bloom. 

I'm going to plant a pepper plant next so the girls can have a pepper to dip into ranch dressing.  They love them. 

Me and Atleigh did some stretches. She loves to do them with me. Caroline, not so much. She would just hang from the ceiling and swing like a monkey 🐒 if she could. LOL.

It was time to take shower and baths 🛁 and get ready for the day. 

I gave them a snack while I finished putting up some block cheese. 

We all started getting tired so I figured it was time for nap. We read a Bible story and then we were out. 

We got up and I gave them a late lunch. I made them their little salad like I promised.  

Me and Atleigh started supper. We made our own fettuccine noodles to make homemade shrimp Alfredo with spinach creme sauce. She loves helping me use my mixer and make noodles. Caroline is interested for a bit but then goes and plays. 

As we were cooking, Dakota came to pick up girls. He was going to cook supper for them and his acquaintance.  He wanted us to meet her. In all honesty, my heart just did flip flops. I was just not ready. I'm still processing what all has happened. I personally think he is just on the rebound but if this is his way of coping with everything, then so be it. I told him at first I was just not ready and he was moving a little too fast for me, but it hurt his feelings and the last thing I want is our kid to shut us out. So I told him to bring her in. She was sitting in the truck. We met her and of course asked questions cause that's just how I am. The girls seem to like her.  

We can't live our kids lives for them. Some things we just have to let God deal with. We have had to realize times aren't like they use to be and sometimes it doesn't matter what you teach your kids, they have to make decisions on their own. I can't answer for his decisions and he can't answer for ours. Yes, it breaks parents hearts. Things would be a whole lot simpler if they would. 

Me and dad ate supper and it was delicious. It took me an hour to clean up the kitchen but we had fun. Dear hubby cleaned up the toys in the living room. Now we are sitting down and enjoying a nice fire the rest of the night.  

Earlier today:

Sometimes you just have to teach a toddler to clean up their own mess since you have cleaned up after them 4 times already and asked them nicely,

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