
Thursday, January 14, 2021

Thursday Tidbits

 We didn't have the girls today because their mommy was off. I got to sleep in this morning, well, til 7am anyway. I got up and had my coffee and read my devotions.  

Dear hubby went out and brought in the rest of the sweet potatoes for me to process. One sweet potatoe was bigger than my hand and almost as big as my cutting board. I cubed these up and put these in the freezer. 

Dear hubby also bought us something for our kitchen floor.

It helps our feet and legs. I can't last as long as I use to. With having RA and a blood clot, it gets me sometimes. This has helped him also with his back. 

While I was working inside, dear hubby was outside working. He got a new toy and was playing outside. He was trimming limbs especially in some trees over our driveway. 

After I got done with my potatoes, I cleaned a section of the kitchen and cleaned and organized one drawer that was just over running. 

I have gotten the motivation to start my deep cleaning after all the holidays. Maybe because it was sunny outside and in the 50s. I have to do a little at a time. When I say clean, I mean clean. Wipe walls, crown molding, baseboards, cabinets etc. Sometimes I will do a room at a time or I will do a chore at a time. I used to bash and criticize myself for not getting a full room done in one day, but the older and slower I get, I give myself some grace. Just little sections at a time makes me happy right now. I've learned something new and it's Progress Over Perfection.  It is making me happy to get some things crossed off my mental to do list. I get overwhelmed and anxious sometimes when I know I have alot to do and no motivation to do it.  Winter time is hard on me physically and mentally. 

I had to call it halftime and lie down. After I woke up, I had another cup of coffee on the front steps in the sunshine. It was good for my soul. 

Dear hubby had been working the whole time even while I was napping. As I was having my coffee, he comes in and calls it a day. He was so sore. 

I finished my coffee, came in and got busy again.  I cleaned another section of the kitchen. I didn't want to get in dear hubby way because he cooked supper for us. 

I used this time to prune some plants, ad repot my lettuce into a self watering planter.  Cleaned up my Aerogarden too. Now, I can plant something else. 

We ate supper and I cleaned the kitchen so he could sit down and get off his feet. 

Now, we are both sitting down and just relaxing the rest of the night. 

I have started writing things down in my planner alot more here lately and I get alot of satisfaction out of it. I am a list maker and I have to write things down.  I have gotten more anxiety as I get older. I have to write things down so I can visually see them. It helps me stay motivated. Then when I am able to cross it off I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and a sense of accomplishment.  It helps me stay on track. I put down meal plans and also what I have done for the day. Not to mention a calendar for Dr appts and schedules and such. If you are the same way, I would like to encourage you to get a planner. 


  1. I'm deep cleaning as well, and funny you mention your planner. I am using it for my lists and to-do's daily too. I just used up the last of our home grown sweet potatoes. Have a great weekend.
