
Friday, February 28, 2020

Good Week So Far

So far this week has been good. I have had a good time making memories with my grandbabies.

I have gotten a few sewing projects done and they have wanted to be involved.

I sewed 8 new bibs for them and a blouse for me.

I had to go buy Caroline her own spray bottle so she could help spray plants too. I was able to find some small bottles that is just perfect for their little hands.

We had some more of our rainbow pancakes with sprinkles on top. Hey, whatever works right?

This weekend some of our kids that are in FFA will be competing in a local rodeo for a calf roping competition.  Dallas is one of them. We are going Saturday night because that is the night he is competing.  I can't wait to watch his next adventure.

Nap time is always special with these two. When you are sleepy and they need you.

Well, it's off to bed with me.

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