
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Let's Play Catchup

Hi everybody. It's been a while since I've posted again. Facebook is just too convienient sometimes to just pop in and post something. I forget that people like blogs too.

Let's see if I can catch every one up again.

We had the opportunity to go to another rodeo in a local town. This one Dallas got to be a part of. The FFA signed up for an event called a calf scramble. Alot of local schools could participate and represent their Chapter. The first night of the event our school took first place. The next night we weren't so lucky. I was proud of Dallas and his team. They were just not fast enough to catch one.

Jossie and the girls rode with me and Dakota was running late.

The girls have done a good job helping me keep the seeds we planted watered but for some reason I have not had any success this year. I will replant some that I have time to, but the rest like cold season stuff , I will just have to buy the plants If I want to have any. 

I have been catching up on somemore sewing projects that I wanted to. The girls love to help me some times. I love teaching them or for the most part right now, letting them watch. 

I found a cool trick to gather fabric with my serger. All you do is pinch slightly on the needle threads while you serge. Wholah! The tighter you pinch, the more the gather. Worked like a charm and so much faster. 

I made the girls another apron a piece made from Pioneer Woman dish towels. Then I made little back packs using her place mats. These were too easy too. I found the videos on YouTube. The back packs are from Lorrie Nunemaker. She has a series of videos for Placemat Pouches. They are all very cool and easy. I will be making somemore from her videos. 

I have has so much fun with the girls here lately. One morning we made rainbow pancakes. Thanks to Jennifer from The Family Fudge on YouTube. This woman  makes cool lunches and she has so many fun great fun ideas. You just make your pancake dough and then split into seperate bowls one for each color of the rainbow and add drops of fool coloring. Stir until well combined. Pour onto pan and cook like regular pancakes remembering to keep heat low so you don't get brown spots and mess up your color. They turned out so good and very colorful. 

Our girls are really into one day we had Frozen Day. They dressed in something with Elsa and Anna and we took the blue pancakes we made the day before and decorated them with blue sprinkles and snow sprinkles and whipcream for snow effect. Then we watched both Frozen movies. 

One night I made some broccoli and cauliflower soup in my pressure cooker and homemade bread. Yummy.

One night I turned the tables and had Dallas and Brylee make me supper. LOL. I showed them how to make homemade pizza. Well, Dallas already knew how so he showed Brylee. 

I'm so loving the birds all coming out more now. I sit by my bedroom window in the mornings and have my coffee and ready my devotions and prayer time and I caught this one morning. 

For St. Patrick's Day we had another fun day. Since schools are out (I will get to that in a bit), we made rainbow pancakes again and everyone picked the color of the rainbow they wanted. Then they could decorate it the way they wanted. 

Then we made shamrock cookies. We let the girls decorate these all by themselves. With minimal help. 

For the most fun of all, we made rainbow bread. This was the coolest project ever. We had Math, Chemistry and Home Economics all in one class. 

Then we laughed, played and rested. 

The temps are crazy and going up and down. So, on a good day, we got to get outside and enjoy some fresh air. Just little girls feeding the cat some popcorn. 

They spent the night with me one night and we had popcorn, fire in the firplace and Happy Feet playing. 

Dear hubby is off working and I got to make a weekend trip to see him. New place, new adventure. He will be called back this summer for another project so it should be interesting. 

Now, onto all the chaos with this Coronavirus thing. I am not going to get into politics or opinions on this topic here on my blog. I will just say this: I think we all just need to calm the heck down. Don't get crazy, take precautions, take care of ourselves and our families, check on our neighbors, pray more, worry less, don't stress, and enjoy this time with our loved ones.
God is not surprised and he knows exactly what he's doing. There is your Sunday Tidbit. Today is the Lord's day let us be glad and rejoice in it.

I hope this post finds everyone well and safe. Please take care of yourselves and God Bless. 

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