
Saturday, February 22, 2020

Missing In Action

I am so sorry that I have been missing in action for so long. I have been bound and determined to get things checked off of my to do list that I have been loading up for a long time. 
This post is gonna be all mixed up because my pics did not upload in the order that I clicked on them. So, I will explain each one. 

These girls love their Poppie. 

This was taken Valentines Day. We double dated with Dallas and his girlfriend. 

My momma came up to spend a day with me. We were having cabin fever and had to get out. It was kind of misting and chilly out but we covered up and got inside one of our out buildings and got to work. 

One night we had pizza and movie night for the girls. We got in the kitchen and we made three different kinds of pizzas. We love to make our own pizzas. The girl absolutely love helping cook. I'm so glad we are teaching them and they can learn so much. So many kids these days do not know how to do some of these things for themselves.  Well, if I have anything to do with it, my grandkids will. We made a sausage, pepperoni, supreme, buffalo chicken, and one with tomatoes, spinach and bacon. They were so yummy. Then we just dug into our movie library in our entertainment center and picked out a movie for the girls. 

Some days this is what my view looks like. These girls go everywhere I go. I have no personal space. 😃

Somedays we lock Uncle Dallas in a dog kennel. He is such a good sport. 

I have got to buy me a bigger stool for these girls. They fight over who is going to get up and help G maw in the kitchen. 

They help me fix things in the house. 

They help Poppie do things. 

These girls love their corn on the cob. 

They love to help Gmaw look oh so pretty. 

I set her free one day just letting her cut up some cheese for our supper. That was a butter knife for safety. 

One night I got their help again and they made home made bread sticks. 

At the end of January we celebrated Dallas' 17th bday. We took him to a rodeo. We are rodeo and bull riding fans. We have been since our oldest was a little boy. It has been a while since we have been to one. 

He got some things to go in his truck. His truck is an older model and he wanted a better radio and speaker system. 

A boy and his dog. 

When you have an argument with a 17 yr old, strong willed, stubborn, hardheaded young man and then the next day you see this on your fridge. These teenage boys, well, young men, are something else. These years get a little hard because they are maturing and getting  ready for the real world and think THEY KNOW EVERYTHING AND YOU CAN'T TELL THEM ANY DIFFERENT!!!!!!! I got him and his girlfriend together in his bedroom and had a long talk with them.  They have this attitude that N0 ONE UNDERSTANDS THEM. Well, I assured them that yes, we as parents do understand them because we were once teenagers. However, they do not understand us because they have never been parents. That gave them something to think about. One more thing I had to make Dallas realize is, no one understand him more than ME. He is my mini me and we are exactly alike. I was that (cough cough) strong willed, hardheaded, stubborn teenager. Times are so different these days. These kids have so much more to deal with these days. School and teenage drama, peer pressure, adult pressure, don't get me started on social media and internet. No wonder more kids are struggling with Stress, Anxiety and Depression. We as parents have to step up our game. I spend alot of time in prayer for him and his girlfriend. 

This is naptime. We have a story and then get comfortable.

Some days we build forts. 

We've had some crazy weather this winter. A little winter here and there mixed in with some springy days, then just all out raining and flooding. One night I built a fire and made some homemade broccoli and cheese soup and homemade biscuits. Over all these years of trying to make biscuits, I have to say this was it. FINALLY!! 

Caroline was helping me pic out some recipes one night. 

This is our oldest son and some of his coworkers for our local electric company. This was 30 minutes from us. There were two houses upon a cliff above the TN river that collapsed down the cliff due to all the flooding on the river. Power lines were ripped off the houses and lying in the road. Power poles were jerked down and broken. They had to get the lines up and replace poles and restring the lines to the other side of the road. The dangerous part was, the road they are all walking on later collapsed and fell into a sinkhole only a few hrs after they left the worksite. This is why I pray over my kids safety everyday. 

The rains have subsided for a bit and the river is receeding. Some people on the river have water and flooding damage. We are beginning to dry out here. The sun has actually been shining a few days and we are reveling in it. 

I have been soooooooo busy getting things crossed off my to do list. I have cleaned out two outbuildings outside and organized them. Just have to buy some more storage tubs to put some things in and it will be all done. Then I started on the inside. First of all, I  finished scrubbing my house from top to bottom, cleaned out and organized my kitchen cabinets. Got rid of some stuff, Cleaned out some more cabinets in the house and a book case. I went through all my recipe books and got rid of some duplicate recipes that I don't use and shared them with my sisters. I put new recipes in and organized my books. Cleaned out some drawers in the house. Been working on my blog and backing up old pics from my Wordpress blog that Photobucket has messed up. I have gave them a piece of my mind and closed my acct with them. They changed their terms of service policy and all the sudden told me I was over my storage limit for my media for the free plan and I needed to upgrade to a paid plan. Well, funny thing is, I have not used Photobucket in years and have not uploaded any pics in years and Bam, all the sudden I'm over my limit. I don't think so. So, some of my pics will be water marked on old posts over the years and I can't do anything about those. I am still in the process of transferring alot of my pages over to Blogger from WordPress. So, you will be able to enjoy those soon. I will have a page for Sewing, Cooking, Homemaking, Homeschooling, Self Suffecient Living, Hunting, Cheesemaking, Canning/Preserving.......and oh so much more. This is just taking me a while but this is one thing that has been on my to do list. 
I work on alot of things on days when I don't have the girls so that way on the days I do have them we just play and have fun. 

I have more to do and today is no exception. I am going to hit out utility room closet in our laundry room. I have such a feeling of accomplishment especially after I just got over being sick for 2 1/2 weeks. I don't know exactly what I had but I ran fever for 4 days and sweet hubby locked me in the bed room for 4 days. He had to go out of town and could not get sick. He took such good care of me. I mostly had trouble with my chest. I felt it coming on and felt like my chest was closing up and having  trouble breathing. I coughed my head off for two weeks. Finally, it broke and I was able to get rid of it. I'm slowly getting back to my old self. So, I am taking advantage of it. 

Well, I have to get busy. The sun is shining through the windows. Its cold out but the sun looks so refreshing coming in. I hope I have caught everyone up. Thank you all for being so patient with me. I hope every one enjoys their day. 

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