
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Livestock Owners We Salute You

To all the Livestock Farmers out there:

If you like your steaks from restaurants or beef from the grocery store, thank your cattlemen. We appreciate what you do. You may be small scale or large scale, you may be a seasoned cattlemen or just starting out, we appreciate you. Whether you do it for hobby,  provision for your family or to becoming self sufficient, we appreciate you. We also appreciate smaller scale livestock owners. I love chicken and I appreciate the Farms who raise them for our consumption wether in a restaurant or the grocery store. Also the hogs, pigs,  goats and sheep.  We appreciate you. 

You raise the very things God put on this earth for us to sustain our bodies and you work your tails off to take care of them and raise them. 

To the spouses of these farmers, there will be times you will not see them for hours, they will be out in all kinds of weather, all hours of the evening and night after coming home from their full time jobs or out all day, they will be mending broken fences of an animal who thought the grass was greener on the other side or just plum crazy, they will spend hours looking for a lost one or two, they will come in cold, wet, muddy, or sweaty or smelly with poop on their boots. They will be angry sometimes from having to wrestle a couple of hundred pound animal or over 1,000 lb animal. They will get banged up and bruised up from one. They will wonder sometimes where the heck did all their money go. The question is: are you going to be a part of your spouses dream or their downfall? Their rock or their nagger? I say spouse because women raise them too. I raised Registered Dairy Goats for 10 years. I did those exact same things. Dear hubby helped me more times than I can count mending fences, digging holes to bury one that didn't make it, worried about me spending all night in the barn watching over a momma and her babies to make sure they make it. I've been there and done that. Now it's my two guys turn. They have my support 100%. This is what they have dreamed of for years. It's their time to shine. And we pass it on down to future generations. Keep going. We salute you. 🫡 

On another note: all livestock owners do things different ways. You do what is best for your operation and your family.

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