
Monday, January 22, 2024

Be Prepared

I know everyone is sick of the snow and cold weather but just look at it in a positive way. 

Embrace the beauty of this winter wonderland God created for us. It is beautiful and it usually only happens one time a year for us. 

Enjoy the down time. When everything goes away next week and the chaos of life is back, you will be wishing you had this time back. 

Read all those books to the kids, play the games, play outside, cook those meals you don't normally get to during the week because of being rushed and sit down as a family to eat, watch the movies etc. 

Maybe take this time to work as a team and deep clean the house and catch up on laundry (if you have water). Work on some projects that have been neglected. Learn some new skills. 

Maybe take this time also to work on a strategy for how to deal with this the next time if it comes around again. Like checking those pipes to see if they need insulating or worked on. Come up with an emergency food plan like getting non perishable items that you can cook and staples to cook and bake with. Have some back up water on hand. Kind of emergency prepare. Check the central heat and air and get the firewood cut. Have a plan. Be prepared for next time. We know this comes at least once a year. I know some things can't be helped but being prepared in some areas will help relieve the stress.

I am by no means bragging, but this is the reason why we like to stock our freezer and pantries. I don't care if you grow it or you buy it, no one should go hungry during a time like this. Start coming up with a plan in what you are going to do if this happens again. Start stocking your pantries a little at a time here and there until you can build up a little stockpile. Next time some things go on sale, buy maybe two or three and put some back. Start with non perishables first. Learn how to bake some things and put them into the freezer. This stuff is no joke. God can bring suprises every once in a while but he did give us sense enough to know how to prepare. Remover the story of Joseph in Egypt when they were preparing for the 7 yr famine?

This was one of our local stores. Trucks have not been able to make deliveries to grocery stores. 😒 

We're beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I mean road under all the ice, but a heads up. Farmers Almanac is predicting a few more rounds of this stuff. Maybe not as bad but at least you've got time to prepare. This is for our region. Please look on their website and check your region. 

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