
Monday, January 15, 2024

First Snow of 2024

 Well, it arrived. Our first snow of 2024. We had been watching the weather for days and preparing. We didn't have to make a mad dash to the grocery store like most do. We already had alot prepared and bought. I am by no means downing anyone who runs to the store to prepare. I understand alot of people do not or can not garden and put up food or raise animals for meat. I know alot of people rely on grocery stores. 

This is why it is important to at least be some what prepard for situations like this or at least make sure your pantries and freezers stay stocked. One way we do this is to always shop the sales and buy in bulk. Bring it home and preserve it somehow. We just bought 10 whole chickens on sale and dear hubby brought them home, cut them up, repackaged them into meal portions for us and vacuum sealed them. We then took all the carcass' and simmered them down with carrots, onions and Celery and canned chicken broth. 🐔 It was well worth it. 

You don't have to have a garden or livestock to do things like this. Just shop the sales. This also works for non perishable items. Buy when they run sales and pick up two or three extra. Or a case. Rotate the items as you use them and keep an inventory. Then as you get low, make a grocery list. You will always have stocked pantries and freezers. 

I am still recovering from my sinus infection and ear infection. My ear is still full and is very aggravating. I'm constantly having to say, "Huh?"  for someone to repeat themselves. I am getting my energy back a little at a time. I'm beginning to get some more of my things to do crossed off my list. 

Now,  dear hubby has come down with a cold and is running just a low grade fever. We are eating simple meals that we can put together from the pantry canned items. Soups, roasts, etc. 

Caramelized onion sloppy Joe patty melt with parmesean crusted fried okra from the garden. Yummy 😋

Hey Elsa, DO you want to build a snowman? We can call him Olaf. ❄️☃️⛄️

It's snowing outside but I have plenty of fresh herbs inside. 

Dear hubby is trudging through the snow as we speak feeding the calves who have decided they are comfortable here and it's pretty nice. They have gotten use to our routine. The fence is high and tight now and they no longer look for a way of escape. I think they are settling in. It's a good thing. 

Our roads are so bad here right now that everything is closed and schools are out. Tonight will be an easy supper of a Brisket, mushrooms, green beans all simmered in some of my caramelized onion gravy in the crock pot and a good ole fire in the fireplace.  

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