
Saturday, January 13, 2024

Couldn't Take It Anymore

 Well, I couldn't take it anymore. I got tired of coughing my head off 😒 feeling my ear fill up with fluid and stopping up so I couldn't and still can't hear out of it and waking up at night with ear pain.  The whole left side of my face and neck was sensitive. It was time

When I saw my grandchildren fending for themselves one morning before school because I was down for the count, it woke me up and gave me the push I needed to get help. It is my job to take care of them. Although I was proud at the same time. They knew just what to do because I taught them and they knew where everything was. I was torn in my feelings. I was proud but felt guilty. 

 I gave it up and went to the Dr. I wanted to be tested for flu, covid or anything just to tell me what the actual heck I had been dealing with. Negative for both. However,I do have a sinus infection and ear infection. Steroids, shot and antibiotics should clear it up. Dear hubby has been patient with me even sleeping on the couch because some nights I was so wrestless that I was making unbearable noises and flopping around like a fish because I was uncomfortable.  He has either cooked or we have ate sandwiches. I haven't had much of an appetite and lost 10 lbs. That's a plus. 

Still coughing a bit, just trying to still rest and drink lots of fluids and let the medicine dp its job although I wished it would hurry. I have way too many things on my to do list.

 My morning so far. Meal planning, blowing my nose while holding my ear because I feel like my ear drum is going to fall out, and under my AL blanket that took me 3 yrs to crochet and finish. Happy Saturday 😊

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