
Sunday, June 18, 2023

Happy Father's Day


To my Heavenly Father, I can't explain it, but it's always been you. You've been there since day one keeping me safe, growing me, bringing things my way that made me stronger or to teach me some kind of lesson. You've always had your hand on me to guide me even when I thought I could do it my own way. Many lessons learned and I am so thankful I learned to trust you because, look at me now. So blessed is all I can sum it up to be. Thank you for your blessings, grace, mercy and forgiveness. Happy Father's Day. 😊

In this one photo I see three great men. The first (older 😂) started this legacy. God led the right guy right to me that matured and grew from much praise, prayer and encouragement. He didn't have a father figure but he sure turned out to be a great father himself. Our boys sure are blessed to have him and I know they realize now why Dad always did what he did and the sacrifices he has always made and still does to take care of his family. The girls have the greatest Poppie ever too. They have him wrapped very tightly around their little fingers. He is a great Father in law to two beautiful women. Always know he will always be there for you. 

I see another feller (second oldest) who became a father young. He had proven himself quite well I will say. He has grown and matured with God's grave and mercy (and mommas prayers) and has turned out to be a great father as well. Two little girls love their Da Da very much and I hope he models the kind of man that little girls hope to find in a husband and father for their children. 

Then I see the youngest, who will one day be a great dad because he has had the best role model ever. His day will come and he's gonna rock it too. 

Our boys have turned out to be great guys and I couldn't be more blessed and happy. 

God helped me and David form our legacy out of unhappy circumstances in our growing up years and we were determined we were going to have better and our kids were too. Thank you God. 

Happy Father's Day Guys. We love you.

I can't thank God enough for this man. He has not only showed me, but David as well, what a real father is suppose to be like. Lord knows he needed someone strong and forgiving to deal with me. Patient, loving, kind, gentle and generous. And a splash of crazy sometimes. ðŸĪŠ 

He has also been a role model to our boys as well. We are so thankful for him. Happy Father's Day to my daddy. ♥️💙

Happy Father's Day to all the real dads out there. 

If you are not the best father you can be for your family, it is never too late to start. 

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