
Sunday, June 18, 2023

Best Week Ever

 Our week started out waiting on our kids to get back from a very much needed family time beach vacation. ⛱️  They had a good time. 

Then our youngest got to come home from training.  

Just in time for us to celebrate our little buddies 6th bday. My, where has the time gone. 

All my babies are growing up. 😢 

And we got to celebrate Father's Day with all our peeps in the same day. Except one and she got called into work at the last minute 🙄 

We have been working around here and trying to get projects done that have needed to get done in 2 yrs. Playing catch up is hard work. 

Garden is still coming on strong. We have been picking lots of Zucchini and squash. 

I have been saving my ends and putting them with other things to make vegetable stock. 

Also, if you have got squash and Zucchini coming out of your ears, check out my video here: Here of how I cut up all my harvest different ways according to how I'm going to cook it. I use squash and Zucchini in so many different things and recipes. I never get too many of each. I never try to dump them off on someone else either. This year I'm going to try to pickle some Zucchini.  I will definitely do a tutorial on that too so you can try it too. 

Well, we are going to finish our weekend out resting and spending time with family. 

Catch you in the next post. 

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