
Thursday, May 4, 2023

Road Trip

 I got to make a trip home to get some work done and plant the garden. I'm so glad I had help because if I didn't, I could  not have done it. As soon as I got home, Annie found me and was fussing at me for leaving. The next morning I sat on the front steps and had my coffee and devotion time and let her in my lap to snuggle. She wanted to take some selfies or at least I think she did. According to the look on her face, I'm not so sure. 

The next day, one of our boys tilled the garden for me so I could start planting. Caroline was spending the day with daddy so she got to help me. Atleigh was in school. Caroline worked so hard, she wanted to "do it all by myself GMaw". Ok. I showed her what to do and she did it. We got a few green beans planted until it started sprinkling and we had to call it quits. They came back later that afternoon when Ateigh got out of school and they got to spend the night with me. It had stopped sprinkling and it was dry enough to finish the green beans so I let Atleigh do her row. I had just a few tomato plants and pepper plants to plant and they wanted to do those all by themselves. So, I let them. They learned so much that way. Then we prayed over our garden. I always do. My PaPa taught me that. They each said a prayer. I know God heard and we will have a good harvest. 

The next day, my momma and daddy came to spend the day with us. They wanted to help finish in the garden but it had rained more that night and was too wet. So we planted flower seeds and bulbs instead. 

Some preferred resting under the trees and freezing to death watching us work lol

I love this pic, because my grandmother, my momma (in Pic) me, and Atleigh have a love for flowers. 4 generations of flower lovers. 

The next day I planted a little more and had a sandwich wrapped up in a sack in my truck and my little kitty stole and ate my sandwich. Bad Kitty

The girls got to spend another night with me and we did nothing but play board games. We laughed so hard and had so much fun. We made some smores in the air fryer. 

We got up the next morning and went to church. I had to take them home afterward because I had to share them with daddy. lol 

They knew I was headed back out the next morning to go back to Poppie. Of course the tears started out of Atleigh, but did not expect it out of Caroline. They knew I would be coming back for Atleighs Kindergarten graduation so that made them feel better. 

David was off that Saturday, so naturally that meant date night for us. 

The place where we are staying has a big field for hay but there is some red blossom clover growing. So I picked some, came in and brewed me a cup. You should look up the benefits of red blossom clover. 

When eggs went on sale I bought up some and froze them. Yes, they thaw out great and you can still cook and bake with them. I made David some egg bites for work.

And I found a clever hack using canned biscuits to make Danishes with. 

Saw another hack and tried it. I took a flour tortilla and pressed it down into a pot and baked it in the oven (if you don't like them fried). It made a great tortilla bowl for taco salad. I paired it with a crunch wrap and that was supper. 

What am I doing today, well as  I am typing this post, I am watching a family of geese cross the lake and as soon as I got to my picnic table and got set up, this little squirrel came up and was so friendly. I got to feed it out of  my hand. I about wet my pants.  I am at one of my all time favorite places. So  I am using my tablet to post while here. Sorry I haven't posted before now but trust me when I say I was very busy and then I took my computer to a place here and had them update everything on it. They put a bigger hard drive in it for me which gives me more memory and storage and GBs. I am loving the speed and an upgraded  version of Windows. It was time. I still have alot more computer and blog work to do. Well, I am going to enjoy the rest of what little time I have left here in my favorite little spot and enjoy my picnic lunch. 

May is National Military Appreciation Month. A big Thank You to those who have served and continue to serve our Country. 

We have several new videos on our Channel so be sure to check them out at Keeper of the Home at 4D Farms. See you there. 

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