
Sunday, May 14, 2023

Happy Mothers Day

 I have been an emotional mess this week. This time of year I reflect on my childhood and the love I grew up from the greatest, most unselfish, Godly, sacrificial, patient, humble, loving human beings. My Mother and Grandmother. These women shaped and molded me when they didn't know they were. Yes, I was listening and hanging onto every word. These two prayed and brought Heaven down on my behalf on several occasions and still does. I miss my Grandmother because of the bond we shared. I see more of her in my mother every day. My momma is one of my best friends.  I know she will tell me the truth even if it hurts. I can call her and just have her pray with me or for me. We are do much alike, but she says, I am my Grandmothers child. I am so blessed to have had and still have this bond with them because now I have one with my own grandchildren.  

Nothing I have ever done in my life has made me happier than being a Wife and Mother. It's all I know how to do and all I ever wanted to do. I don't know how to do anything else. My boys will always be my babies. Yes, it is hard to let go. I just want them to know that I tried my best and will always be here. My grandchildren now and future will know my love. You hurt any of them and you will deal with me. 

I had the best Mother in Law God could ever have given me. So wise, unselfish, Godly, loving and humble. I miss our talks and her kind and wise counsel. She raised the greatest little boy ever and I got the blessing of having him and building a life with him and being his baby momma. 👶 lol. I promised her I would take care of her baby boy and I will not fail. You hurt him, you deal with me. 

I have mighty big shoes to fill from previous generations and it is always my prayer that I do my best. Don't wait until you get older to start looking back.

Happy Mothers Day to all the Mothers today. 

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