
Thursday, June 2, 2022

Memorial Weekend

Dear hubby was off Memorial weekend so he wanted to take me somewhere. Well, while driving, we spotted these and the first thing I thought was, "he's gonna feed me to the gators!". Needless to say, he didn't. Instead, he drove straight down to Rutherford Beach ⛱️ and walked the coast line with me to pick up special shells 🐚 and write our name on the beach. Although he did say duct tape would have come in handy due to me asking so many "whats this?" "What's that?" questions in my excitement. Also the occasional "there's a gator!" outbursts while he's trying to drive, keep his eyes on the road and trying to keep us safe.  

We got to a hotel, showered and changed clothes and found a Cajun restaurant.  Then he surprised me with a walk on the boardwalk around Penoine Lake which is connected to St. Charles Lake.  He's so romantic. 

The next day we went to  the Veterans Memorial Park in St. Charles. While we were there we got the chance to talk to Dallas since he had his phone for a 4 day weekend. He sent us a pic of him and some of his buddies. They had had tests all week and their brains were fried. They grabbed some energy drinks and pizza to just relax and gather their thoughts back. We told him to tell his friends we said Hello. Disclaimer: one picture is just all in fun between dad and son. We would never downgrade another branch of the military.  

Then we had to get back to the cottage and to work the next day.  We were sent these pics by their mommy. They were so proud that they made a cake and had to show me. I was so proud.  

Then they are with Daddy and bonus mom and they sent me this pic. I am so not ready for my little buddy to go-to Kindergarten.  The time is going too fast. We will save this pic for when she graduates high school.  

This is my next read and some inserts so far. 

I am so thankful for this young woman right here. If you don't know what has happened and you are new here,  a quick fill in. Our son was married to his high school sweetheart but after 6 yrs she decided she didn't want to be married anymore. She never wanted to marry to begin with. Our son begged her to go to marriage counseling but she refused. So, she filed and it took forever for our son to sign the papers. He thought there was still hope. However, he finally did. We went through all stages of shock,  hurt, depression, bitterness,  anger to recovery and acceptance.  After almost 3 yrs of praying and crying for God to heal my sons broken heart and home, he sends this young lady and has captured his heart. She has brought him peace and everything I have prayed for.  She is a peace keeper and has helped them learn how to co parent and get along for the children's sake. She is a God send. She loves our girls and has taken them under her wing like they were hers. They feel safe and secure. We love her too.  To see the smile on my sons face now is priceless. That smile makes this mommas heart happy.  

We do however have some more adjusting to do and changes coming. We have been told that the girls mommy is pregnant with their little brother. This has put a strain between her and her own family. Her mom is beside herself.  She is wanting to leave the father of this child too. Her mother is beside herself. I'm still trying to process all of this.  I do still love her. She is our grand blessings mommy and that will never change.  I pray for her and ask God to help her find peace and settle her spirit which is disturbed.  We are all trying to process it. We believe we know what is going to happen next but I will keep those thoughts to myself for the time being. I willsay, I can forsee the girls being with their daddy and bonus mom full time. 

On a lighter note, 
 Easy, quick and affordable kids snack or lunch. You can make pizza out if anything. Toast, spaghetti or marinara sauce, slice cheese. Pair with a fruit. Viola! You're welcome. Feeding them in the summer after school is out is not hard. ☺️ Feed the children.

These scriptures were also in the book I'm reading. Extra Bible study for me. 
We will be making a trip home for a week and take care of business with our counter top guy and other things.  And also have a bday party for a special little girl. 
That's all for now. God Bless. 

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