
Monday, June 13, 2022

A Needed Break

 We had a wonderful break for  week. We went home and got to see our girls and take care of some things. It was their mommys week to have them but I called and asked if  we could spend some time with them since we were going to be home that week. It was no problem. I had so many plans for us and fun things lined up to do, like I always do, then their daddy called me and said that Atleigh was signed up for Kinder Camp at the school and she had to be there everyday from 12 to 3 pm. Well, rats. That spoiled all my plans. However, when I saw how excited she was, I didn't feel gruff anymore. She is so excited about starting school, there will be no problem that first day. I also counted it as time I got to spend one on one with Caroline. Of course Caroline didn't mind at all. They have started this in our area as to let the kids get some kind of idea about Kindergarten and get use to it and give the teachers an idea of who all might be coming into their class. This will help that first day transition go a little smoother. I know how some children are on the first day of Kindergaten,  they are clingy and crying. This will not be so with Atleigh. She was hopping out of my truck like a big girl. She had so much fun and had tell us all about it when we picked her up. I used the morning time and evening time to do fun things with them. While she was at school, me and Caroline took a nap and played. Bible strories always go good with breakfast. 

We had movie night with popcorn at bedtime. And church was Sunday morning.

They helped us outside and we took trips on the Ranger. 

Someone missed her Poppie.

I squeezed in some treat baking time one morning and we made some rainbow cookies. 

More outdoor time after school when it was cooler. 

This was her first day,,and mine and Carolines nap. She has always grabbed my hand and kissed it and held it at naptime to fall asleep since she was a baby. 

Then one morning we got supper going that morning. We started with me teaching them to make deviled eggs. 

The last morning, we had one on one time for a few minutes. Atleigh wanted to play a game with Poppie and Caroline wanted me to do school with her. Then they just wanted to play until it was time to get sissy to school. 

The night after they left, Poppie was out side at dark by the Ranger headlights and flood lights putting Atleighs bday gift together. We got her a swingset for our house. 

That Saturday we had her party. How is it that my little buddy is 5 already. From sleeping on my chest for hours and days at a time, singing lullabyes, to helping me cook and bake to now being half my size. Time goes by so fast. Her Daddy and bonus mom did a great job with the party and food. 

Poppie is always gonna  be where the kids are.

Water slide fun. Caroline was headed up the slide when I saw her backing down. Then I asked her if she wanted me to go down with her and she said yes, but as we got to the top again and fixing to go down, she started backing down again. I said, nope, we going down. I grabbed her and she started squirming. No, I did not almost break her neck, I got her upright and in my lap before we hit bottom. I could not let her go. We got to the bottom and she was mad at me and ran to Poppie. She didn't stay  mad long. She loves me too much. It only lasted about 20 minutes. Then she was loving on me again. Needless to say, I was so sore, I could not hardly move that night and was worse the next day. 

I have to come in and say this. Her mommy and bonus dad were there too. You see, Dakota has been in the healing process with a whole lot of thanks to his girl Jordan. He invited her mommy and her feller. This is a great accomplishment for him to get to this point. The bitterness and anger is getting less and less and he is healing. This is an answer to prayer. I know it is still hard on him and kind of weird, but he is getting there and learning. Jordan has been such a blessing to him and our family. She has taught him to have peace and me too actually. God has answered our prayer too of bringing Dakota the happiness he deserves. We are so thankful to her. She keeps the peace between them and she is an asset to this coparenting thing. Her and our exdaughter in law get along good and for that we are greatful. She has a sweet personality and a peaceful soul. 

This horse is 21 years old. We got it for Dakota when he was 3. It has rode him and Dallas and now our granddaughters and others as well. 

When she got home, she got her big present from Daddy and Jordan, bonus mom. 

The next day, we got to do a little trim in the kitchen.  Our handyman will get a few more things done and soon we will be getting our counter tops in and put in place along with the backsplash put up. Next will be upper cabinets installed.

You know you have trained your husband well when he  makes the bed. All joking aside, this goes to show how much your husband knows you are OCD and have to make your bed first thing when your feet hit the floor in the morning. I had to run errands this day and while I was in the bathroom,  he beat me to it. He knows it would have bothered me all day long if it had not been done. Hes just good like that. 

Then it was time for us to head back out. I was still so sore from going down that waterslide that it made the drive for me a little hard. But we made it. We sure was not ready for that alarm clock to go off this morning. 

I have a new video up on our channel. 


  1. What a wonderful time with your girls! I love seeing your hubby out there putting together a swing set in the dark. Those girls are blessed!
    It's great that Atleigh is excited and not scared of going to school.

    1. I remember that same man although younger, putting together a swing set for our oldest boys bday one year too. It brought back memories.
