
Saturday, May 7, 2022

The Reason For MIA

 Well, there is a very good reason why I have been MIA, and I'll explain and catch you up, but you better grab a cup of coffee ☕️ or glass of tea πŸ₯ƒ cause this is a doozy. 

We were able to come home for a little while because we are to a pause in renovation. We are getting our rock wall up on our island and we had to reorder our cabinets because they were wanting to deliver them at a time that we were not going to be here andwe knew they would have left them outside and possibly get rained on. Yes, it has happened before to things ordered. Then, we had to meet with our counter too guy and pick out what we wanted. It will take a few weeks to cut the granite slabs we want and then come and install them. So I'm ok right now with a half functional kitchen. I have unboxed as many things as I can thst goes in lower cabinets at this time. I have uploaded a video on our channel for an update on where we are right now and what's going on too in our kitchen. I haven't taken alot of pics through the process but I did in the video. I will try to remember to attach the link at the end of the post to that video. If I forget, our channel is Keeper of the Home at 4D Farms. 

We made it back home in time to celebrate Easter. Our girls got to come and spend the day with us after church and we gave them their baskets and goodies and then we hunted eggs and grilled. While the burgers were going, I let them do a craft. Then of course they wanted to spend the night. So we watched a movie and ate popcorn. 

The next day, we just wanted to play and of course, we had to make some kind of treats, kitchen renovation or not. 😁

Then, we had to pack again and head out to see our youngest, Dallas, who was graduating from Basic Training with the United States Army. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ  Let me tell you, this momma and daddy is extremely proud of him. We grabbed his sweetie and took her with us.  We got to spend two days with him. It's been a long time since we have been on a military base and it brought back so many memories. 
We got to have family day first with him. They released our soldiers to us and all he wanted to do was go to our suite we had reserved and eat and rest. Bless him. He didn't want to do anything. He was exhausted. We had to have him back on base at a certain time to be accounted for. The next day was graduation.  They were released to us again and we got to spend another day with him. We went to just a few places and then ate, but still he just wanted to relax and rest. Once again we had to take him back that night. That goodbye was hard again because his AIT training and school is still on the base. He has two months left and we get to see him graduate AIT. πŸŽ“  It is nice to hear him and his girl making their plans for their future. I remember those days and me and my sweetheart know all too well military life. πŸͺ–.  We were in their shoes at this age doing the exact same thing. 

Once we got back home, dear hubby wanted to make some deer sausage and it was awesome. 

Then we took a day and went and visited my momma and daddy. 

You always know when Gmaw has been around. πŸ₯°

Just some girls playing horses 🐎 

They love their shirts I made them. πŸ₯°

We have enjoyed a week together. We have played, done school, had picnics outside,  danced in the rain, baked treats, read books, painted, watched little birds sitting on a nest, watched movies, had tea parties and anything else we wanted to do because we can. 

Some times photo shoots gp great, sometimes not. 😁😁😁

Then we just had to make some unicorn cupcakes and rainbow cake. 🌈.  Atleigh decided she wanted to do a video and have her own show so we did. I will upload that video soon. We had a ball. 

Our handy man has just been coming every morning and doing little things that he can while we are waiting. The noise bothers on grand daughter so bad that he learned to prepare her for a sudden noise like a hand saw, hammering, or shop vac. That helped her alot. Then one day it was coming a thunderstorm and the noise, thunder and lightning was too much. She ran to me and literally got under my left side and just scrunched as close as she could. Poppie sent her a pic of him and I kid you not, that was all it took to calm her down. She hugged and kissed my phone and held it for a while and then she was a ok. Little stinker. 

When all the storms were gone and  noise, it was girls night out.  I took them out to eat and shopping for them some more material for new things for me to make them. 

We came out of the restaurant and they were so excited to have their pic made with Gods Promise. Do you see it in the sky?

After we got home from town we got ready for bed and they wanted to watch their video on my phone so...we got in bed late. I let them sleep in and  we had some of Poppies deer jerky he made. And some morning snuggles. 

Then daddy and bonus mom came and got them to take them to the zoo for today. They will come back here tonight and spend one more night with me and go to church with me in the morning.  We are suppose to cook out here after church so I'm kind of speed cleaning today since my son just sprung it on me yesterday. 

Tomorrow I will be spending time with family. It will be strange here without our youngest but I will manage. This is going to be a hard time for my dear hubby with not having either mom here for Mothers day so I will keep my posts for mother's day to a minimum this year out of respect for him. 

Here is the link for our renovation update video. 

 I hope you all enjoy. Youtube video

1 comment:

  1. You have been so busy!
    I remember our son coming with us from basic training and he was also exhausted. But it's so good to spend time with them again, isn't it?
    Nice to catch up with you!
