
Saturday, April 16, 2022

National Husband Appreciation Day

 Today is National Husband Appreciation Day. Yep, I Googled it. Actually it showed up on my memories from last year. 

I swear, and kid you not, this man was sent to me straight from God above. This man completes me. I am so thankful that his eyes are for me only and his dedication and loyalty amazes me. All he's ever asked in return is just to never leave him alone. He has always been a little insecure in that area. And what girl in her right mind would ever leave someone who cherishes the ground you walk on. Beats me, but I'm sure not going to. He doesn't have anything to worry about but yet he still does. You're stuck with me buddy. He loves to aggravate but yet he will never let the stay mad at him. He always finds a way to kiss and make up because of that little face. I've never had to worry about provision. He works his tail off to make sure his family is taken care and he has always been there when his family needed and still needs him. He doesn't do things for recognition, he does them out of the kindness of his own heart. He was raised right. When I say he takes care of his family, I'm not exaggerating. He more than fulfills his duties of a husband. He goes above and beyond. I am so blessed and thankful he was sent to me to love.

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