
Friday, November 26, 2021

To Catch Up

 Boy, it has been a good few weeks. 

I'm just going to go back and copy and paste from Facebook what happened on our days, because I can't go back and remember. LOL. 

Since I posted last, I got to treat myself. Dear Hubby had been telling me since I'd been there to go somewhere and pamper myself. So, one day I bit the bullet and took his advice. My sweetheart has been telling me for three months that I need to just spoil myself, so today I did just that and I have enjoyed myself so much. I have never had a spa day until today.  Body massage,  facial, and full pedicure. I literally felt all the bad things leave my body 😂😂

Gents, if you don't know what to get your lady for any special occasion or just a "Because I love you and you deserve it " gift, get her a spa day package.  ❤

Dakota called me one day and said he was headed to AR to a duck club lease he was in and wanted to know if we wanted to see the girls. Well, yes. I didn't even let him get it all out of his mouth before I answered. So we left in the morning and I met him half way.  I was so excited and so were they.  I cried and they cried. I told him we only had a week left out here and they could just spend it with us and we would bring them back home with us. 

We had alot of catching up to do on our snuggles. 

First thing I did was give them their princess dresses I bought for them and they loved them and had to play in them, even outside and even doing chores. More on that in a minute. 

I still had all their things out there from the last time they came to see us. It's a good thing I did. They knew right where everything was. 

I had also went to a thrift store and bought some new things for them. Going to thrift stores pays off sometimes. We will be having church this morning. 🙏

Atleigh had gotten up at 6:30 am that morning and had already made up her and sissies bed. Didn't even ask her to. 

This man said I was grounded from going anywhere else cause I done bought them a toy today. Guess who walks in with bags of candy. He said,  "They're sick!" 😅😅😅😅😅

The first thing Caroline says to poppie is,  "Let's fight. 😅😅😅😅

Caroline is a fighter and all she wants to do is wrestle. Atleigh is a lover and just wants to read books or do school.  

He didn't  miss them one bit 😂😂

They crawled up into his lap and played on this little piano and he sang to them. 

One night they asked if they could wash dishes, so I said why not.  I'm cooking. Team Dixon. I said Poppie is gonna come home to a clean house and clean children.  Now Atleigh is saying, "Clean house, clean children." She understands the assignment.  She is going to make a great wife some day. I am already praying for their future husbands. ❤🙏

Some things never change. This man is at it a second time around. You see, when the boys were little and we were home all day, cleaning, cooking, chores and home schooling, the minute dad came home from work, he would take over.  I was able to finish what ever I needed to do. 

This was the highlight of his day was coming home and playing with his boys. 

Now he does it with our girls. He never ceases to amaze me.

These girls have not forgot a thing I taught them. While I was in the shower, Atleigh had cleaned up the living room. When I came to look at her work, I saw Caroline sweeping. I did not even ask. They surprise me so much. 😇 and I also found my next corn shucker 

They were so good to help without being asked and they were on their best behavior, I took them to their (and mine) favorite place one morning. 

Yep, donuts 🍩 

And then to a little play place they like because it was too cold to go to the park. I didn't get any pics of them playing because they had met a few little friends and were busy. But they and their friends kept bringing me stuffed animals to keep me company while they played. 

Then Poppie comes home with little donuts for breakfast the next morning.  😋 

And this happened one day:

Oh my gosh. This child. I am about to cry. Atleigh came and told on her sister for getting into the candy. I did not know until later that little Miss Atleigh was the one who snuck and got the candy and gave both of them some. She got her sister in trouble but didn't tell me she was the one who did it too. 

When I finally got the truth out of her, I told her to go to her room and sit and tell God and talk to him and tell him she's sorry for lying to Gmaw and getting her sister in trouble. 

Ya'll this child is pouring her heart out to God and crying. My heart is breaking but  I am not going to intervene. This is the way it should be when you have a repentive  heart and you ask God for forgiveness. If more grown ups were as remorseful and repentive like a little child, this world would be a better place. 

Bless this child and her little heart. ❤

Finally the day came for us to pack the vehicles and head for home. They were helping Poppie take things outside. 

These girls have enjoyed road trips all summer coming to see Poppie and Gmaw at his "job house" but bless their hearts they said they were ready to go to  "home home" which you know where that is. Yep, Poppie and Gmaws house. ❤❤ Bless our sweet girls. But, I know exactly how they feel and now I understand how David Dixon feels coming home after being gone so long. 3 months was a long time. There is no place like home. I have never been so ready to sleep in my own bed in all my life.

We got back home and Dakota came to pick them up and of course they wrapped themselves around my legs and said they weren't leaving. They were staying here. Bless them. ❤ 

They did have to go though because they had a get together at their other Grandmothers house for Thanksgiving.  I told them I would see them in a couple days.  

We go the best nights sleep two nights in a row in our own bed. 

Thanksgiving day was kind of tragic because in the late afternoon hour, we heard ambulances close by and low and behold I looked out our dining room window and they were at our neighbors. I ran real quick over there and they were leaving with him. I went inside and found the wife and she was so distraught. They wouldn't let her ride in the ambulance so we helped her throw some things together and she left behind them. He was DOA at the hospital. She got to see him and collect his belongings on him and she came back home. I went back over around 9pm and sat with her and let her cry and talk.  Then she sent me home because it was 11pm. She needed her rest. We have loved beside them for 15 yrs. They have seen our boys grow up. She is a school bus driver for our local schools. We will continue to care for her. I invited her to our dinner the next day but I guess she just needed time to her self. 

Today is the day after Thanksgiving and my parents came and spent the day with us. 

A few weeks ago dear hubby  barely wanted to come home because this is a hard month on him because it is his Mommas birthday, his birth mothers birthday,  and his sisters birthday.  💙  He is having a hard time.  Thanksgiving and Christmas was his mommas favorite time of the year. He has been a little depressed and wasn't even sure he wanted to come home. 😕 
I told him that we still had to keep going because get togethers is all our boys have ever known all their lives and we couldn't just not be here. Nobody needs to celebrate alone. I think he thought on it more. Now that we are home he is excited. He's been able to get some hunting down and is happy. 

We are going to be soaking ourselves into a kitchen renovation project.  When he first told me I thought he had lost his mind. During the holidays? Then I got to thinking and I now know it's his way of staying occupied to help him make it through this season without his loved ones. I get it now, so I didn't say a word. 

All I can say is, hold your loved ones close because you never know how long they are lent to us. Cherish family. Get off your phones and spend time talking again. 

I hope everyone has enjoyed their break and Thanksgiving holidays. Now, let's bring on Christmas. 
I've got alot of unpacking to do and things to clean so I will go for now. 


  1. Oh joy! I can only imagine that reunion with the girls.
    I'm so sorry about your neighbor though. We just never know.

  2. When I opened the truck door, Atleigh was crying and that just made my tears flow.
