
Monday, November 29, 2021

Back Into The Swing Of Things

 Well, I'm trying to get back into the swing of things around here. Here lately I am not wanting to leave my bed. I think I have been catching up on lost sleep. Now I know how dear hubby feels when he has to constantly sleep on different beds. There is no place like home. We will be checking into getting another mattress topper for traveling. Sometimes if dear hubby has to get a house somewhere to rent he still takes some of his own stuff. Now that I will be going with him, I will too. 

I have been trying to get my house back in order. Dallas did good keeping the house somewhat clean but I am OCD and you know how that is. 

Dear hubby had the house cleaned for me twice before we came home so I could come home and relax but after we brought all of our stuff in, I've had to put it all away. Needless to say, I have organized my side of our closet and rearranged the way I have some things and also purged some clothes. I just went around my whole bedroom and did this. Even my dresser drawers. I filled up two and a half garbage sacks. 

Yes I had stripped our bed and washed sheets because Dallas camped in our room like he owned the place while we were gone. 😂

I am having to rearrange the girls playroom and move some things into there just through the Christmas holidays because I am going to start decorating and will need the space. 

They are not too excited about still going to a baby sitter even though I am home though. It is breaking my heart but I will have to explain to them that we will still need her sometimes. We are fixing to do a kitchen makeover and we do not need them underfoot or getting hurt. This project has to be done before February.  

We need to still keep this routine because when we do leave out again in February, they want have to go through the whole process of finding and getting use to someone again. They will have plenty of times to stay with us before we leave again. They are coming Wednesday and all day with us until Thursday evening. I'm going to let them help me decorate and we are going to roast hot dogs and marshmallows.  

I had to go through all the girls clothes I have here too and put away what was in their suitcases and pack up clothes that don't fit anymore. I did an inventory of what they need for the winter and will get what they need for our house. Yes, I have always done this since they were born. I have my own things here so their parents don't have to haul clothes and suitcases and diaper bags back and forth all the time. 

As soon as I get everything situated and back to normal and the house decorated for Christmas,  I am joining in on hunting. I don't even have the room to bring in my hunting gear until I get my house back in order. 

Dear hubby went to his mommas house yesterday to check on everything and I know it was hard for him. 

Dear hubby has also been hunting and working on our hunting blinds.  I am ready to take our girls practice hunting. Maybe if we're lucky we can out hunt the guys. 

It was kind of chilly when they came in from working outside, I had home canned vegetable soup and corn bread ready. 

Now it's just some relaxing time with my sweetheart. 

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