
Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Thrifty Day

 I use Wednesday as my thrifting day. Well,  today I didn't go to any thrift stores but I was on a mission to find the girls some hunting clothes. When we get home we will be in full hunting season. We can do both bow and rifle.  We have a freezer to fill. With prices so high on things right now this will be a must. We process our own deer. Dear hubby likes cutting and grinding  our own harvests so we can use them for multiple things. He loves making sausage. We love eating it too. 

We are going to start practicing  with the girls on hunting but we need to get them geared up first with warm clothes and boots. I didn't have any luck finding all they needed except some thermals. To be honest, I didn't buy them. They were too thin and not warm enough. So I just got them some sweat pants and sweat shirts instead. These will go under their insulated pants and shirts and coats. We are going to have to find the rest of their attire some where else. We may have to order them. We will see. 

Then I headed to Dollar Tree to see if they had anything new for schooling.  I picked up some stencils for dot markers and some more things to put together for them. 

Dear hubby is always getting on to me because I'm always buying things for those stinky girls and not buying for myself.  He tells me I need to shop for myself once in a while.  Well, ok's happy shopping for me. All Pioneer Woman.

Last week I found this little artwork display board. 

I was so wore out and sore when I got done I had to get back and get off my feet and legs. My back was also killing me since I have a degenerative disc. 

I also have a project to work on when I get back home to my sewing machines. 

Ponchos work so much better during the winter for carseats. The backs can lift up and over the back of the carseat and you can still buckle them in. Some states have this law about having kids buckled in while wearing coats. So...I found this idea of the poncho. 

After I rested I did some more blog work. I'm working on another page that has been in draft mode too for 3 yrs. 

Then it was time to cook supper.  

Stir fry

While supper was simmering, I fixed dear hubby some wraps for his lunches. 

And then I made our trail mix we eat for snacking. I get a can of Peanuts, a can of cashews, a can of mixed nuts and a large box of Raisins.  

Now, we are all full, kitchen clean and we are going to relax and watch some hunting shows. We are all geared up. 

1 comment:

  1. You had a productive day! The ponchos are a good idea. I like your top too!
