
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Life Happenings

 I'm sorry I've been missing in action the past few days. I have been working on our blog and the next page I want to publish. 

I have been out and about a few times. 

Today I had to make us some more grab and go breakfasts. Now to assemble and bag. 

Tonight is chicken parmesean and home made bruschetta. Yummy. 

This is my next read.  If you haven't discovered Elizabeth George or her husband yet, I really encourage it. 

In my last post, I shared a pic of a project I am going to work on for the girls. However, I am not going to use the pattern. I did not know it was pieced together. I really want one solid poncho and no seams showing. So I researched some videos and found some that are so simple. I took one idea from one video and paired it with another idea from annotner idea and one more. I took notes as to how I wanted to piece it together and sew it. It's basically called a carseat poncho.  Since it is so simple I am going to make me a set,  our son a set and their mommy a set. Someone is always forgetting one or leaving one somewhere so surely they want this time. If I'm lucky. 😅

Here's u what's going on in our family. 

We are awaiting a ship out date for Dallas. Paperwork has taken forever. Even when he leaves, they will have to quarantine in FL I believe for two weeks and receive the vaccine which he is not happy about. We explained to him that vaccines have always been mandatory with military not just this particular one. David had to have all his childhood immunizations again when he got to bootcamp. Then every time they go overseas for duty they get vaccinated for whatever country they are going. Not to mention, when they went to Saudi Arabia, they were given experimental shots that weren't even tested yet. So basically they were the lab rats. We told him he will have to do alot of things he will not want to do but military is different. Dallas is sitting on pens and needles and is getting anxious. 
If he goes in the next few weeks he is going to totally miss Thanksgiving, Christmas and his Birthday.  This year will be so different for us on the holidays. He has been invited to go to the beach with an aunt and uncle and I think he is going to go. 

David gets to missing his momma some days.  His sister and brother have been going to her house and slowly going through some things. Mostly just cleaning out necessary things like freezers and pantries to cut off some electricity.  When we get back home they will probably want to start going through some personal things and I don't think he's ready for that yet but it has to be done. Alot of things she wanted to go to children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.  

I've been doing alot of praying over my kids here recently. I have actually been praying the Prayer of Jabez over my family. And I have encountered some answered prayers already. 🙏  
Dakota is seeing this really nice young lady. She us actually a child hood friend of his. She is practically family because she is a great grand daughter of the woman who baby sit David when he was a toddler. David also has another  family that loved and spoiled him like he was their own. David really looked up to the father of the family but passed when David was about 15 yrs old I think.  
Anyway, Dakota really likes her and the girls love her and she loves the girls. He is finding some peace and normalcy again I believe. This has been an answer to prayer I believe. They are just taking it slow. At least I know our girls are happy an she is beginning to be. I wish my ex Daughter in law all the happiness in the world. I've been called alot of things in my life but ex mil was never on my list. It makes me sad. We are all beginning to heal and move forward and just to see a smile on his face again is all I need. ❤

Momma is recovering quite well. She hates being in that arm contraption but she is OK. Daddy is still alive, she hasn't killed him yet. 😅😅😅😅 
Momma has to remember that daddy is still struggling with memory since his stroke. He forgets things constantly because  his short term memory was affected. I have to remind her to be patient which she doesn't have alot of. Being down doesn't help her any either.  He is doing very good after his knee replacement surgery.  

As for me and David, we are still enjoying our time together. But we are itching to get home and get started hunting. The way prices are these days, meat prices are rising and we are going to use deer to fill our freezers if the good Lord is willing. We grind ours and use it like ground beef and then he also makes a mean sausage with it.. these skills do come in handy when times like this comes. We do love some self Suffeciency.  
We have bought the girls some hunting gear too. Dear hubby has bought us some ground hunting blinds and a little heater. Isn't he just precious.  

Well, I have some work to do and a kitchen to clean before hubby gets here. Then we are relaxing and watching some hunting shows.  

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