
Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Quick Tip


My momma  had surgery today, so I had to  hang as close to the phone as possible. She  had surgery on her rotar cuff. 

Momma was home around 2pm and doing good.  I told her she was going to have to be a good little patient and not give daddy any trouble. She is already struggling. 😅😅😅😅

When you are making some lunch, make some extra and store in the fridge for Grab and go lunches. You're welcome. 😁

Why, yes, you can have your hashbrown casserole. Just substitute shredded sweet potatoes. And maybe add a little smoked sausage to it. I am a genius. If you already thought if this idea, please,  just let me have my moment thinking I am a genius.  😁😁

A few brain dumps for today:
Parents, it's ok to be all on your kids. After all, you want God's blessings and protection on them. So keep up the good work, it will come about some day. ❤❤❤

When we think unexpected things come our way, just remember, they are never a surprise to God. He knows what he is doing and he has a reason. Just trust him.

I can't stress this enough. Respect goes both ways. Men are naturally born to want attention and affection, why do you think they call them "Mommas boys".  Women are the nurturing kind, not just to children but should be to your spouse too. Our boys have never seen their parents fight or be disrespectful to the other. Heck,  I don't think me and David have ever fought or really argued. Yes, we have disagreements here and there and we aggravate each other but never out of anger. 🤗 
It's not ok to treat other people better than your spouse. 🎤🎤

Brain dump:

We, nor anyone else, can ever help us if "we" don't come to the realization that we need help! Read that again. 🎤🎤🎤
When and only when you come to that point, you will reach out and start to find ways to heal yourself with God's help through other people or circumstances.  
You can't cover up your problems, they will just come back. You've got to get to the point where you have had enough and want to make a change. And be 100%committed and determined.

Me and Dallas had a long conversation yesterday.  He says, "In a relationship,  you are supposed to meet each others needs even if you don't want to." 
Wow! I think he's getting it. ❤❤❤❤
Hes 18 y'all,  just 18 and he gets it. 

So this was on my time line from 5 years ago:

David: you are one lucky gal that I love you so much like I do. 
Me: why?
David: ( smiles and laughs) cause I could just choke you sometimes. 
Me: :) he loves me.

Have you ever found that one person who is just crazy enough to put up with you for so long and stick beside you no matter what? Yea, they are keepers for sure. ❤❤❤❤❤

I'm gonna be honest with y'all about something. I am living breathing proof that God can take a rebellious,  used up, washed up, sinful soul that went down a wrong path for a while, and then turned around and gave me a good man and set my feet back on the right path and here we are living our best life. I have been blessed with far more than I deserve and I give God all the praise and glory for it. So.....Pilgrim......he can do it for you too. ❤❤❤❤

I hope yall liked those and I hope they helped someone. 

I am going to finish getting supper ready and get off of here so I can give my sweetheart all of my attention when he gets home from work.  ❤❤❤


  1. I do like these! Lots of good advice - except that we don't like sweet potatoes! :)

  2. I use to not like sweet potatoes either until I found different ways to cook them. I make a sweet version and savory.
