
Sunday, October 10, 2021

Nothing Exciting

 Well, I haven't done anything really exciting the past week. Oh, except for dear hubby said I could go thrifting one day. He may regret that because I'm going back home with a whole lot more than I came out here with. I told hubby what all I got and he said, "I meant for you to shop just for yourself!" Well, he knows I can't turn down anything for my girls.  ❤ He should know me better than that. I was on a mission to find the girls some Bible story books and Bible stories on dvd. I found alot. I also splurged and just went to a bookstore and bought a new one. The one I have at home, we have been through it three time. The one I got now will grow with them because it gives the scripture reference where you can find it in the Bible and I can read the story from the Bible first then as they get older, and they learn to read, they can do the same. I'm fixing to start teaching them their books of the Bible. And I did get me some new shirts and a few odds and ends. 😁

I have still been busy working on a page on our blog. 

This is my next read. I will start it in the morning. 

 Reading and studying the scriptures had brought peace to my soul the last few days and I have prayed so much over my family. Especially my boys. 

I went grocery shopping this morning just for the essentials we ran out of. Then I came in and live streamed our services from church back home. 

Me and dear hubby had such a good day while he was off yesterday. Well, he did have to go in early just for an hour and take three tests. He had to take them once a year to keep his certifications. He was back in a jiffy and brought breakfast. I was finishing getting ready. We plopped down and watched football 🏈 all day.  Boy, talk about some nail biter games. We rested and just enjoyed each other's company. 😊 

Well, gotta go and start getting supper ready for us. 

Hope everyone enjoys their day in the Lord. 


  1. Sounds like you've had a wonderful weekend! We watched the last few minutes of the OU game. I've been getting a laugh because they keep sending information to my high school junior & his late aunt was an alum of OSU and pretty much bled orange yet nothing from them.

  2. That is neat finding out he had some one once there.
