
Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Wednesday Happenings

 I got to sleep in this morning a little. I got up at 6:30am. It beats 5:30 am. Had my coffee and devotion time before the girls got here. When they got here around 7:30 they were ready for breakfast. 

We had breakfast and and got ready for the day. You may be cool, but you'll never be, standing on a stool on your tippie toes in a tutu brushing your teeth singing , YIPPIE YI YO KIYAY, YEEHAW.......COOL.  😎😎😎

These girls love to wear princess dresses everyday. 

Then we did a little school 🏫

I made some activity binders for the girls. A little velcro,  sheet protectors and dry erase markers go a long way.

Had lunch and then we were tired so that means nap time. 😴

Caroline woke up from nap first so we got up and went into the living room and let Atleigh sleep as long as she wanted. So me and Caroline had some snuggle time. 

Atleigh woke up and wanted to do some more school. She loves to do school. She loves paper work.  Caroline is just Willie nillie play type. 😛 

I gave them something to do so I could get our supper ready. We ate supper and mommy came to get them and she ate with us.  

After they left, I got busy speed cleaning and getting prepared for the next day. 

I vacuumed and mopped kitchen floor,  emptied dishwasher, loaded dishwasher, wiped down counters and layed out ingredients for tomorrow night's supper which is going to be homemade pizza with some of the sausage Dear hubby processed himself.  

Then I got the living room picked up and school stuff prepared for tomorrow. You know, some days I have my crap together and some days I don't.  🙃 Moms, don't beat yourself up if you don't. Things will come together. Eventually.  

Tomorrow will be a different schedule. They will be here later tomorrow because she has to work 16 hr night shift tomorrow night so they will be spending the night. That means I will have a different routine tomorrow. I've got to run some errands in the morning and pick up some staple items because we are expecting some inclement weather. Then they will be here around their lunch time. See, some days you just have to rearrange timing and circumstances.  It's doable.  Don't sweat it Moms.  

Herbs are doing great again. 

Well, I'm enjoying my me time now. So I will sign off til tomorrow. 

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