
Thursday, February 11, 2021

Time For Myself

 This morning I got up and had my coffee ☕,  devotions and prayer πŸ™time. 

I was moving slow so I got a late start. I finally got moving although it was pouring rain outside and freezing. 

I had to have my joint therapy which is tanning bed. It helps relieve my joints a little. 

When your getting your tan on and Elvis is singing Jail House Rock and you just kind of wanna rock and you remember you have to be still so you tone it down to Blue Hawaii and you are magically transported to sand and water. πŸ˜ŽπŸ„‍♀️πŸŒ΄πŸΉπŸ–πŸŒŠI always enjoy my therapy sessions. 😌

I left there and went a got some staple grocery items because we are expecting somemore inclement weather. We have mostly got rain but I don't want to be caught off guard. You do not want to be caught in a house with toddlers with no juice or milk. Trust me. 

I grabbed me some lunch through the drive thru. Alot of our fast food places are still drive thru only. Which doesn't make sense when restaurants are seating people in the dining room. πŸ€”

I get home and put groceries away real quick and the girls got here. They were ready for nap 😴.  

I love these snuggles 


Woke up, had snacks,  coffee ☕ and juice. 

Atleigh wanted to do a little school and Caroline just wanted to watch Paw Patrol.

Whatever they watch, I try to make sure it's educational.  

Tonight we're gonna have pizza for supper. The girls were going to spend the night with me but daddy wants to spend time with them because he will be on call next week and mommy has to work some long hours. I'm just glad I'm able to be here when they need me. 

We got to making our pizzas. 

While the pizzas were baking,  I cleaned the kitchen. Remember to use your time wisely. ⏲️

We ate supper. I forgot to take some pics of our finished pizza πŸ•because we were too hungry. After supper we played dolls a little. I picked them up some little doll furniture at the Dollar Tree and they love them. 

When it was time to go, Atleigh wanted to stay here but Caroline wanted to go with daddy πŸ‘¨.  That's OK because sometimes they need some one on one time too. 

So Atleigh and I watched a movie and ate popcorn 🍿in the Princess πŸ‘Έ bed πŸ›Œ

I guess we are going to enjoy our time together.  Y'all have a good night.  

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