
Sunday, February 7, 2021

Blah Day

 Today has been one of those days. We were supposed to get up and go to church this morning but no one was feeling good and they gave it to me. So we had breakfast and read Bible 📚 stories and had prayer time. 

Dakota came and picked them up around lunch time and hung out a little bit. He was not feeling good at all. He felt warm but no fever. Bless him. 
I took a nap and woke up and had coffee and started me a fire in the fireplace. Just enjoying my quiet and me time now. 

Tidied up a little and washed bedding and got clean sheets for tonight. 

Gotta let my fire die out now so I can shower 🚿 Yes, I have been that lazy. 

I shared these two thoughts on Facebook earlier.  Thought some more could benefit from it. 

 I'm gonna post one for the guys.  When you think they don't care and don't talk, you better pay attention. They hold in things you don't even have a clue about.  They carry their own burdens,  concerns, worry, and stress. Please please pay attention. We expect them to pay attention to us don't we?

Ok. God just put this on my heart and y'all know me, it's gotta come out of my mouth. 🤷‍♀️😳

If you start noticing a pattern in your life that keeps repeating, have you ever thought it's not the circumstance that needs changing? It might be you that needs to change.  Change your ways and it might change your circumstances.  Hmmmmm....🤔

Yea, that hit me too, hard. And believe me I will be making some changes. ❤

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