
Saturday, February 6, 2021

A Time of Grieving

 We would love to thank everyone for your patience during my time off from blogging due to needing a time to grieve and recollect ourselves. Dear hubby has had a hard time.  The girls stayed a week with their other grandmother who we call Lolly.  Dear hubby and his sister had so many things to do concerning his mother's arrangements and affairs. They went through some important papers an such that she told them to a long time ago. Nanny  had all these things planned out years ago including her arrangements and even had her headstone and casket purchased. She had all her papers in a safety deposit box for safe keeping and made sure her kids knew what to do and such. This made it so much easier for her children. The children have already made a pack that her house is not to be sold. She worked from sun up to sun down even til the wee hrs of the morning to provide for 6 children on her own. She sweated and paid for her land and house. This woman had it all together. 

It was easier also on dear hubby to sit by her bedside just holding her had in her last few hrs. He could deal with it better and was able to tell her goodbye and know that she was happy with going home. The funeral was very lovely. Her church and 0ur church provided meals for us.  We had food for days and we were very touched by their prayers and support during that time. 

For that week the the girls were not here, dear hubby just needed time to grieve in his own way. We set most days just side by side on the couch in silence. No TV no nothing. He just needed me to hold his hand and be there. Our boys are dealing with it in their own way. I believe it hit our oldest son the hardest. So many times dear hubby has said something about needing to get up in the morning and go check on her or go somewhere for her. He had to stop himself and realize she was not here anymore. It is just such a habit of his to take care of her. It just doesn't seem real. 

We got back to normal and the girls finally got to come back to stay with us during the days.  They were so excited and missed us dearly.  We made that lost time up with them. We let them spend a few nights with us.  

Footie pjs and Curious George. My little best friends for sleep over. ❤❤🍿🍿

One day Dallas and Brylee played with the girls. When the Princess Caroline says, "Unkie Dallas, get in the castle!" you get in the castle. 

One day they came and they were not feeling good. 


Comfy pallets:✅




Bunch of kisses:✅✅✅✅✅

This was pretty much our day.

Dear hubby was trying to get alot of outside stuff done before he had to go back to work.  

One morning we got in the kitchen and I was teaching the girls to make homemade cinnamon rolls and they made their own. Pardon the messy hair and pjs but that's how we're Rollin that morning.  Can't get a smile out of Caroline. Just a famous Caroline Scowl. They were delicious by the way. 

It came time for dear hubby to go back to work. Oh how he has enjoyed his time off. 

Ag said let's make poppie jealous while he's at work. πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ˜…

Even Princesses πŸ‘Έ can have bad days.  She has said NOPE   to almost everything all day.

Another quick cleaning tip I do is while they are getting dressed, I will clean out the tub and wash toys down and put them to dry for the next bath. My tub always stays clean. I usually get them to help after they get dressed but they stayed in the tub so long playing this particular morning that they were cold πŸ₯Ά when they finally got out. 

I have tried really hard to start potty training Caroline again. I made a sticker chart and everything and trying to make it fun. However, she is still having trouble. She just doesn't know how to yet and sometimes she is just not aware of when she is wet. We went through every single pair of training panties and alot of pants this day. 

 I'm still gonna keep trying and get her use to the potty and getting on it and one day it will click and it will be easy from there. In the mean time, she has two to choose from. 

We had another sleep over one night because Dakota had to get up early the next morning and I did not want the girls to have to get up at 3:30 am. S0 they just stayed with me. They really got to spend two nights because they worked til 8pm the next day. Dakota was so tired and sore and now he has a cold like the girls do. 

I love sleep overs because we bake cookies and have tea parties πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰

After nap today, it was  kind of ok to get outside. They weren't feeling good again today but they needed some fresh air.  We bundled up and headed outside. We couldn't stay long though because it started getting cold again. 

We came in and I warmed them up by getting them into a hot bubble bath.  Then we ate supper.  We worked together as a team and they picked up the living room while I cleaned the kitchen. I have been teaching them about teamwork for alot of reasons. It teaches them to work together, it makes our cleaning go faster and keeps them occupied so I can get my stuff done. Wholah. 

It was time for bed and we crawled up into my big bed and watched a Bible story on DVD πŸ“€.  It's got to where these girls don't even want to go home. 😊 I'm so glad Gmaw and Poppie can make them happy and secure. 

Tomorrow will be church and then they will go home after church. They will be back bright and early Monday morning.  

1 comment:

  1. Awww - you are such a good Grandma, and are teaching them good things while they are with you. They are both so cute!
    I'm sorry about the loss you've been through, but thankful she was ready and thankful for the help kindness you recieved.
