
Thursday, January 21, 2021

One Of Those Days

 Well, today has been one of those days.  We had a rough night last night. I managed to get the girls in bed early. However, I don't know what was wrong but they woke up several times a piece. They had a couple of dreams. Dear hubby didn't get home from his mother's house until midnight. They got her in and all settled. He wanted to make sure she was OK before he left. 

We were both so exhausted this morning but much to our surprise, the girls were in good moods. Dear hubby said Atleigh was just like me, chattering first thing. 🤪bless his heart ❤.  

They played really good together today. All they wanted to do was put on Princess dresses and do school. 

I threw something in the crockpot for supper.  

We made it to naptime and we all crashed. We got up and had coffee ☕and milk 🥛 and a snack since supper was just in a few hours. 

Dakota got off work and came and picked them up. 

All I had to do was just add some sides to what I had in the crockpot.  While the sides were cooking, I speed cleaned the kitchen. We ate supper 🍽 and dear hubby made us a fire in the fireplace.  We just enjoyed some down time for the rest of the night. 

1 comment:

  1. I love crockpot recipes! Sounds like a really good day!
