
Saturday, January 23, 2021

Friday Tidbits

 Well, this morning πŸŒ„ that alarm ⏰went off at 5:30am. I woke up kind of refreshed. 

Got up and had our coffee ☕ and got cups of milk ready for girls. They were in a good mood this morning.  

They just wanted some cereal for breakfast and dear hubby made us some sausage and biscuits. It is the deer sausage he processed himself and it is delicious. 

He cleaned his mess up. He has always known how to clean up after himself since he was a teenager. His momma worked a full time job and then came home and worked in the garden harvesting, bringing it in and processing it. Sometimes she was up until 2 am canning. Then have to get up at 5 or 6 am and get ready for work. She is one strong πŸ’ͺwoman. So dear hubby would come in from school or work and cook 🍳 supper for them and clean the kitchen. He is such a good son  and I am one blessed wife. 

I escaped to the bathroom and took a quick shower and got ready. I wanted to look a little nicer today for my sweetheart. He was entertaining the girls πŸ‘§

Some days by the time I get out of the shower and getting ready, I'm pooped πŸ’©. I am just not as young as I use to be. 

I ran them some bath πŸ› water and they took a bubble bath. Another trick I use to multi-task,  is Swiffer the floors with my Swiffer wet jet while they are in the tub. That way they are not under foot. They weren't ready to get out when I was done so,  I folded some laundry and put it away in our closet. Mind you, they were in eye sight. Our bedroom is connected to our master bath so I could see them. Our closet door is right in the bathroom. 

They got ready and wanted to play for a bit. Well, Caroline followed me and raised her little arms up and said, "I want you." So I knew it was time to just sit down and hold little Princesses πŸ‘Έ.  

I was tired by then so I told them to grab some books and we would sit down a few minutes and just read. Then they wanted their princess castle put up so......

They grabbed them some books and retreated to their castle with lots of imaginative play. At least they were getting along. πŸ˜‡

While they were playing, I started cleaning and organizing on my bedroom. 

I took a break on the room, because it was lunch time for them to eat. 

Naptime came next. Caroline was getting sleepy. After naptime we had a snack and coffee. 

Dear hubby has been at his mommas house all day sitting with her and his sister. He ran some errands for them. 

It wasn't long til Dakota came to pick up the girls. They were going home to get ready because they were going to a rodeo. We love us some rodeos.  

I had been cleaning on and off on our bedroom all day.  Man, was it so unorganized.  So when they left I tackled some more. Dear hubby came in and cooked supper and got comfy. 

We were eating supper and planning on watching a movie when the phone rings and it is his sister. She needed him to come back to his mommas house. She was getting worse. He leaves.  I get back to doing what I was doing and he texts and asks if I wanted to come see her. I knew right then something was wrong. I quickly threw my day clothes back on and left. I got to her house and everyone was there, no where to park. My heart sank. ❤.  I walked in and everyone was in her room by her bedside. I found dear hubby and went to his side. They were letting her FaceTime with a grandson and his family out of state. She can't talk but is coherent. She is getting weaker everyday. Her kidneys are failing and they are beyond dialysis or anything. She does not want to go back to hospital.  This was her decision from the beginning. All they can do now is keep her comfortable.  All I could do was comfort my dear hubby. He has been so devoted to her all his life. He has been the spoiled baby of the family all his life. There is a story that I will share of their relationship but it will have to wait. I will be working on a page I want to add to our blog in the future. 

Last night, she would look at him and just give the sweetest smile from ear to ear at him. It melted his heart and I know he will always see it when he thinks of her. When I sat beside her, she smiled at me with approval and grabbed my hand so tight and did not want to let go. To be like this woman or my mother will be an honor that I hope I can live up to. If we could all have her heart, this world would be a better place. 

She began to get settled and eventually was able to rest.  His sister and niece sent everyone home. I am so glad we have so many nurses in our family and some are in the medical field. Three family members have been in home care givers for the elderly, 4 family members are Nursing Home Administrators,  and two nurses. 

It is 2 am and we are all exhausted.  We would covet your prayers. 

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