
Monday, December 21, 2020

Just Getting Ready

 We have just been moving around here and getting ready for Christmas. We've been watching movies,  baking and cooking. And making homemade gifts. 

And a whole lot of playing and loving on our girls.

Decorating one more tree want hurt either. LOL. 

I took the girls out one night to drive through lights at a local state park and some chicky nuggets. 

A few days later I took them to see Santa. It took a little bit for them to warm up to him. I had to fees them first. They are not themselves when they are hungry. 😁😁

We celebrated our oldest sons birthday  on the 19th. 

This was our tribute:

To my first born Dakota Dixon.

For 6 long years, I begged, cried, and prayed and just when I thought I was not going to be able to have children,  God brought us you. It just had to be in his perfect timing. 

You have truly been a blessing,  except during the colic stage, oh ok, even then. 🙄

I loved singing to you, reading to you, rocking you, teaching you, even during our homeschool years when you didn't like me being your teacher. 

You were my buddy until dad took you hunting at age three, then that was it. You have been his buddy every since. I'm not even upset about that because you have the greatest dad ever. Y'all have a special bond.  

You have always been more mature than your age and always had an, "I got this" attitude toward life. You are a cross between John Wayne and Clint Eastwood.  

There have been times you have made me cry, pray more , and made my heart do flip flops, but you have learned. Why do boys do that anyway? We have survived bumps, bruises, concussions from football, and the teenage years. Phew. At least no broken bones. 

You have cowboyed up to every situation. And let's not forget how you love to aggravate me all the time. 😝

You are the greatest big brother anyone can have too.  Yes, we were strict on you and you think we were awful and let Dallas get away with more. Thing is, you didn't come with instructions and we didn't want to screw this parenting thing up either. We were so nervous and wanted everything to be prefect.  With your first kid, it's learning and trial and error. Mostly error until you figure things out. You're more nervous because you're the first kid to do everything for the first time.  When the second comes along, you can relax more because you have some things figured out.  You are not at uptight and stressed. You're getting this now because you have two of your own. You have a pride about you that makes you who you are. Not to mention, stubborn, hard headed, but very determined. These are all good qualities.  You are also loyal. Anyone would be proud to call you friend. 

I have seen you mature more in the past 4 years more than ever. Having kids will do that to a man. You are a great provider, and father and we could not ask for better. You should be proud that you are just like your dad. 

We are so proud of the man you have become. It's what this ole momma has prayed for, for so long. Well, all your life really, since the minute they laid you in my arms. 

I am so thankful that God gave you to us. 

I know this year has been tough and we don't understand but God has a plan for you better than we can know. Trust him to guide you in the right direction.  Pray and follow. True happiness will come. 

We hope you have a very happy birthday today. We love you son. ❤❤❤❤

Today is mine and my sweethearts Anniversary.  Here is my tribute to him. 

Happy 29th anniversary to my one and only true love. 

I'm so glad God brought you into my life. Thank you for chasing me and not giving up on me when I was not so sure. It takes a real woman to realize true love can be right in front of you, and all we have to do is look past the nose on the ends of our faces to see it. I'm so glad I saw it and reached out and grabbed it because I'm never gonna let it go cause I'm smarter than that. Our kind of love only comes once and I'm glad we share it together. 

We have had our challenges and ups and downs but we have always overcome them. Thank you for your patience and understanding cause I can be a hard case sometimes. Thank you for always taking care of me and spoiling me. Thank you for always showing acts of kindness that I know always comes from your ❤.  Thank you for always making me feel beautiful even on my bad days. Thank you for always putting me first and taking care of me in sickness and health. We never took those vows lightly. We meant every word.

Thank you for continuing to chase me even though I'm still reserved. It let's me know your love never runs out. I gave you my heart along time ago and I don't want it back. You keep it. I want to kiss you anytime I want. 😊

Your dedication,  sacrifices, loyalty and love never cease to amaze me. You have shown me true love exists and what it is all about. Thank you for all you do for our family.  You are a giver and an honorable man. I am very blessed to be your wife. I hope our legacy of love continues and runs deep through our boys too. I hope they find true love someday and will be just as happy as we are. They deserve it. I want them to have what we have and it last a lifetime for them too. 

Happy Anniversary my love.

I had the privilege of our oldest going to church with me yesterday morning.  It was such a blessing. 

It is Christmas break for Dallas. School is still going good for him although this year has been so different for everyone. He has been so busy. The Srs took their ACT a few weeks ago but he didn't do as good on it as he hoped. He may take it again, I don't know. He made some cookies one night for the girls. They turned out really good. 

My sweetheart has been doing alot of hunting and got us another deer. He was fixing up my blind for me and just decided he was going to sit in it for a bit just to see. Well, I'm glad he did because this guy just walked out of nowhere.  More sausage in the making. He is out in his building this morning preparing one from earlier and will be processing it tomorrow. 

He and a friend of ours is going to get together after Christmas and learn how to make summer sausage to add to our knowledge and freezer. 

Our family could still use your prayers during this time. Our pics may look a little different from now on. I am sad to say that we are loosing our DIL.  She has decided she does not want to be with our son anymore and it is breaking our hearts into. 💔 I have seen our son go through all the stages of devastation,  shock, depression, anger and hopefully to healing. We do not want to loose her and nor does her family want to loose him. We are all confused and upset at the present time and we do not understand any of this response. All that matters to us right now is our two precious grandchildren.  We are trying our best to keep them happy and like nothing is going wrong in their world. We are trying to get through the holidays without having a mental and emotional breakdown,  although I have them quite often. When your children hurt, you hurt as well. We do not know what their future holds but we are trusting God to intervene.  We can't live our children's lives for them. We just have to pray. 

I hope everyone has a very blessed day. 

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