
Monday, December 7, 2020

Busy, But Fun Times

 We have still been busy around here. 

I have the girls everyday and they get here bright and early every morning.  Me and Poppie get up before the sun and have to have those few minutes of strong coffee to hit our soul before they get here. 😂😂 These girls are so tired some mornings and when its naptime, they can sometimes take 3 to 4 hr naps. Our son is doing a great job at being Mr. Mom. Our DIL is working, going to school and doing clinicals for long days and long hours. The girls are missing her badly but we are trying to help them stay busy and keep their mind occupied. It is hard somedays because they can get very irritable. Makes it hard on me too because I have to play judge and jury. 🙄 We are hanging in there. On the bright side, she has completed this course and has passed and got her license.Now, she has to go take her registry state exam. She will get a small break from school in December but she is still working. Her next course is advanced EMT and will be even longer hours and still work. It's not going to be easy but we have to do what we have to do. 

On a more serious note, because of this stress, some serious changes have come into our family and we are going through some trials. We are not liking any of them and it hurts and we are all hurting right now. We have been in much prayer and weeping stage. We are just going to have to leave it in Gods hands. We don't understand, but God does. The situation will overcome itself, or God is heading our family into a different direction. We would covet your prayers. 

On lighter notes:

Oh Lord, these girls.  Some days they are best friends,  then some days they can fight like cats and dogs, esp on the church pews over whose gonna sit in Gmaws lap. Gotta love em'. #divabrawl ❤❤❤😂😂😂😂

I hope everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving,  however you got to celebrate. We ate too much. We had dinner with my MIL that we do every Thanksgiving day. However,  it never crossed my mind to get pics. The next day we spoiled my momma and daddy again. 

4 generations and grandparents with grandchildren and great grandchildren. 

Babies always look good on us. Rockin' chairs, rockin' babies,  rockabyes, rock of ages, side by side we'll be together always.....❤❤❤❤ 

Sometimes we can choke each other out, sometimes we can't do without each other. #sweethearts . We have been lovers and best friends for 30 yrs. 

I caught this scene and just had to laugh and this is what it looked like: Apache Warrior Scrappy think me will scalpem' sleeping Apache Princess while she sleeps......hiya yaya....hiya yaya.....😬🏹 

This girl loves her Prince:

The girls are still making money. I set them up a big girl table and they are responsible for putting their dishes in the sink when their done and wipe off their table and chairs.  

And then there is days when they would much rather play, traitors.....

This was taken at church on Wednesday night for our program we have for our kids and youth. I have started taking them to a class with the kindergarteners instead of just playing in the nursery. Atleigh is too old for that and enjoys learning and class and making crafts. However, Caroline can't sit still long enough and distracts the other kids from listening. So I'm thinking of letting Atleigh stay in the class as long as she is comfortable with me leaving the room and I will take Caroline to the nursery or preschool room where another woman a I have discussed coming up with some kind of activities for them. They can learn and do small simple crafts too. I will go back and forth from class to class. 

Atleigh loves to do school and she loves to play teacher. 

We have gotten out all the Christmas decorations and started decorating. They have their very own little tree that we let them decorate. Then last night was our hometown Christmas parade.  

I can go for these snuggles any day. 

Finally getting to use our fireplace. My sweetheart knows what makes me happy.  Boy, if you got a good man, you'd better do what you can to keep them.  Not gonna let mine go anywhere. ❤❤❤❤ 

Dear hubby has gotten us one deer in the freezer so far. He will process it for us. I can't wait to have some of his own deer breakfast sausage that he makes. 

We will be busy on and off with watching Christmas movies with the girls, baking and cooking for all of our meals and just enjoying ourselves. I will pop in and out occasionally.  

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