
Thursday, September 10, 2020

Trust Me, I'm Still Here, Barely

 Yes, I am still here, but hanging on by a thread. We have been so busy the past few weeks. 

The garden is coming to a slow close. All I have left is peppers, a few watermelons, and in a while we will be digging sweet potatoes. I thought I was going to get a small harvest of tomatoes before frost but horn worms got in and ate all the greenery off of the plants and ate the green tomatoes. So all I have is sticks. Sticks, I tell ya. 

We have gotten all the squash and zucchini we are going to get, and my freezer is so full. I'm very pleased with the harvest this year. I can't wait to see how our sweet potatoes turn out. 

We celebrated our second granddaughters birthday. This girl is so goofy and sassy. She is tiny but fierce. And she is ours. Lol

 The day before her bday she was asked where she wanted to go for her bday and she said to Gmaws house. I felt so proud. So we had supper here for her and had her other set of grandparents for supper. 

The next day we had her bday party here. She loves Trolls 

Me and Poppie have been having so much fun with these grandbabies.  We have played, swam,  cooked, baked, rode tractors, taken naps, had picnics  and helped in the garden. 

Me and my momma have only gotten together a few times this summer which upsets me. This Covid thing messed everything up and still messed up. I don't know about everyone else but I am so over it. However,  my parents are older and they worry about their health.  I respect that. The last time we got together, we grabbed Brylee,  which is Dallas girlfriend  and we went and grabbed our granny and went to town. I despise having to wear a mask but we respected my momma and wore one where required. I had to steal Brylee away from Dallas because he likes to hoard her and want share her with the rest of the family. Lol. I wanted to have a one on one day with her to get to know her better and kind of warn her of what she was getting herself into with this family.  Lol

Yes, her and Dallas have discussed their future  after they graduate and he goes into the service. They have discussed getting married although there has been no official proposal yet. Time slow down. 

Right now both are adjusting to virtual learning through our school. Students are not happy about the arrangements at school. They can't sit next to their friends. They can't eat lunch with them in the lunch room. These kids need normalcy again and so does everyone. The Elementary grades and Jr High grades are having so much trouble with their kids with internet connection trying to do virtual learning.  All cell phone companies are experiencing slow connection all over the state. Parents are so frustrated. High Schoolers seem to be doing better, especially Jrs and Srs because they have an easier schedule because they almost have all their credits so their classes are easier. Dallas and Brylee only have to go to the campus one or two days a week for their hands on classes or dual enrolled classes. Dallas has Ag  Mechanics and Welding. 

Dallas goes to school and works for a guy trying to set up an Aquaponics system. Then he goes to PT  for the military program. 

One day at PT they got a big surprise.  One of his school buddies that went through the same program and went off to bootcamp showed up and worked out with them. This was the first time that he got to come home since he graduated bootcamp because of Covid. Dallas said he worked them out so hard that he met Jesus a few times cause he about died. Lol. I'm glad he had fun. His friend had alot of stories to tell. 

Jossie has started her next semester and has changed her major to EMT and paramedic. She loves it. She wanted something high in adrenaline and, well, she will get it. She also got a job at a local hospital to at least get her foot in the door into the medical field. She will work part time but twelve hr shifts. I am going to have some full days ahead of me. Whew. 

I try to plan mine and the girls days so we are not doing the same thing everyday and get burnt out and so I can also keep up with my house. I try to do a little school with them too. We read, work on workbook pages with shapes, numbers and letters, crafts, and some days just have fun.

 They love helping in the kitchen. One day I got out recipe books and I let them pick out meals that looked good in the pics since they cant read yet. And we meal planned. Win win situation for me. I will be cooking alot again now for everyone.  There is no reason for Dakota to go home and cook when they can just eat with us and we can fix Jossie a plate and he can take it home to her. After we did some meal planning, we grabbed our grocery cart and I let them grocery shop for our ingredients from the pantries and freezers. They had fun. 

I've been trying to keep make ahead breakfasts on hand for people to grab and go for school. The girls still love their rainbow pancakes with whip cream and sprinkles every morning. So when we run out they help me make another batch to go into the freezer for quick mornings. This makes mornings so much easier. I make breakfast burritos,  egg bites, and muffins for grownups. 

One day the girls helped me make supper and I made a video of the girls preparing rolls and green bean casserole.  It was like they had their own cooking show. It was so cute.  I love doing these things with my little buddies.  They tell me all the time that I am their best

I am so in love with my Aero Garden.  I am growing so many things and playing with them. I love to just go over and snip anything I want fresh. I am even trying to grow a cherry tomato plant and see how it goes. My sweetheart bought me two more grow lights and some self watering pots. 

The girls love to help me pick out stuff to plant too. I have spinach and arugula too. 

We didn't really do anything over Labor Day weekend except just rest and relax. There was some days I was just tired. Toddlers will exhaust you. Lol. 

Well, I hope this catches everyone up. Sorry I have been AWOL.  Lol. 

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