
Sunday, September 13, 2020

Grandparents Day 2020

 Today is Grandparents day  (yes, you can google it) and I'm dedicating this to my MaMa and PaPa Oliver. Words cannot express how much I love them and miss them. They were a soul staple of my life. I learned so much from them and they didn't even know it. I spent every summer with them and then some. Besides my Momma they were my parents too. My Momma says I am her mommas child. I idolized her. I have to say my life has become hers and I'd like to carry out her legacy gracefully. My Papa was a dedicated man to God and ministry and his family. Mama was the Proverbs 31 woman who stood by her man and lifted him up. I also miss Mama Flanagin. She use to come by mommas house every day just to watch Dakota sleep or play. She was precious. God...please tell them I love and miss them and Happy Grandparents day.

Another post f0r Grandparents day:

I am so glad my kids have these people in their lives as Grandparents. They have helped us teach our boys and always gave them wise words to live by. I always said when we had children that they would be just as close to their grandparents as I was mine and we made sure of it. They have had time spent with both sets. They love them dearly and also helps take care if them.

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