
Thursday, July 2, 2020

Getting Ready For The 4th

We are working hard trying to get everything ready for our July 4th get together we host at our house every year. We so look forward to it every year.
Tonight, I took left over spaghetti and made spaghetti bake and I made some bruschetta with some of dear hubby's cheese he made, and a summer salad with cabbage, zucchini and squash all from the garden. It was yummy. 

We have laughed at our cat and this bird. Lastweekend,  we were in the pool and saw Annie going to the end of the house all the sudden we saw her running lickity split back around the house through the back yard with a bird chasing her. We all just laughed.  Well, the next day, we were eating supper on the back porch and Atleigh noticed Annie's tail bleeding, so I doctored it. Well, today, I'm sitting on the couch in the living room and hear this noise outside the window behind me. It is this mockingbird squaking at Annie and she is trying to sleep on the table.  I think these two have a rivalry history. 😂😂
Then it will start flying up and down behind her. It may have been what got a hold of her tail. We will see how this turns out. 
The flood waters have gone down in our town and people are trying to clean up. 


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